He's got a funny ..... on his T-shirt he looks really cool! 2. I m such a ..... I love learning about the latest technology news! 3. It can be hard to know which ..... to belong to when you are a teenager. 4. Computers aren't a big deal for Skaters. Dilya is great at science and maths she's a ....... 6. I've bought a new ...... it can turn on all the lights in my house!
1) He's got a funny slogan on his T-shirt; he looks really cool!
У него на футболке забавный слоган, он выглядит реально круто!
2) I'm such a geek; I love learning about the latest technology news!
Я гик, я люблю читать о последних новостях технологии!
3. It can be hard to know which deal to belong to when you are teenager.
Бывает трудно, когда ты имеешь дело с подростком
4. Computers aren't a big subculture for Skaters.
Компьютеры не представляют интереса для Скейтеров.
5. Dilya is great at science and maths; she's a whizz-kid.
Диля хороша в науке и математике, она вундеркинд.
6. I've bought a new gadget; it can turn on all the lights in my house.
Я недавно купил гаджет, который может включать сразу все лампочки в моем доме.