согласны ли вы с тем что подростки мало заниматься спортом????? почему ???????????????
It is important to engage the teenager in sports and convey to him the importance of exercising. However, it is necessary to choose the right kind of sport for a teenager and correctly dose the level of load.
in adolescence, more than in any other, full-fledged physical activity is important. The cardiovascular system of the body undergoes functional changes. Simply put, she develops and trains most actively at this age, and it depends on how mobile the teenager is, whether he will be strong and resilient in adulthood.
Active physical activity is especially necessary for today's adolescents, who have to spend a lot of time in a seated position - at school in the classroom and at home when doing homework. In addition, most modern adolescents are fond of computer games and Internet communication and spend a lot of time at the monitor.
It is important to engage the teenager in sports and convey to him the importance of exercising. However, it is necessary to choose the right kind of sport for a teenager and correctly dose the level of load.