сочинение сила и слабость характера
Reading Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm", you involuntarily ask yourself a question: strength or weakness
Is Katerina manifested in her suicide at the end of the play? She did the right thing or
no? On this occasion, there was a lot of controversy between literary critics of the 40s and 50s of the 19th century. So, Dobrolyubov noted "strong, rebellious
motives "in the nature of Katerina and connected them with the atmosphere of the crisis, in which everything was
Russian society. According to him, Ostrovsky's drama shows a complex, tragic
the process of liberation of the reviving soul.
The first meeting of Katerina with her beloved Boris is deeply tragic. The stage is riddled
anxiety. The motive of a folk song sounds - the motive of imminent death ("You kill, destroy me
from midnight ... ")." Why did you come? Why did you come, my destroyer? "
trouble Katerina. How strong should her feeling be if in the name of love she goes to
certain doom! "Don't be sorry, ruin me!" - she exclaims, surrendering to this feeling. So
not everyone can love, and we are convinced of the extraordinary strength of the heroine.
And what are the words of Katerina, spoken to justify her husband and herself, before
Wild boar. Let us listen to them carefully: "For me, mamma, everything is one that my dear
mother, what are you, and Tikhon loves you too. "Unlike his wife, Tikhon says his
excuses pitifully, and at the same time very respectfully, referring to the mother as "you."
Katerina says the same thing as Tikhon, objecting to reproaches. But with what dignity, how
she says simply and sincerely. This appeal to "you" (as an equal) is also characteristic. She
strives for clear, benevolent human relationships.
In the first appearance, we imagine Katerina as a humble victim, a person with
a broken will and a trampled soul. "Mamma eats her, and she is like a shadow
walks, unrequited. He just cries and melts like wax, "Tikhon says about his wife. And now she herself
before us. No, she's not a victim. She is a person with a strong, decisive character, with a lively,
with a freedom-loving heart. She does not feel like a slave, on the contrary, she is free, at least
because she lost everything, that she has nothing more to cherish, even her life: "Why should I
live now, well for what? "
The thirst for liberation triumphs over her religious ideas. "It's all the same that death will come, that itself ... but you can't live." she reflects on suicide. And then she questions this notion: "Sin! They will not pray? He who loves will pray."
Katerina's dying words are not addressed to God and do not express repentance for the perfect
sins, they are addressed to the beloved; "My friend! My joy! Farewell!" So free from
prejudice, a lively and strong feeling won in the soul of Katerina
On the other hand, it can be shown that Katerina showed weakness. Such a point
view exists in Pisarev, when in the article "Motives of Russian Drama" he assessed
"Thunderstorm". The article was directed polemically against Dobrolyubov. Pisarev named
Katerina "a crazy dreamer" and "visionary": "The whole life of Katerina, according to his
opinion - consists of constant internal contradictions; she throws herself out of
one extreme to the other; today she regrets what she did yesterday, and meanwhile,
she herself does not know what she will do tomorrow; finally, confusing everything that was under her
with her hands, she cuts through the tightened knots by the most stupid means, suicide. "
In fact, suicide is not stupid, but the last resort of a desperate
human. From the point of view of an atheist, there is strength in Katerina's deed. But from the point of view
Orthodoxy, there is no forgiveness for suicide, no matter what motives it may be justified. it
one of the most serious sins. It is believed that people should endure what is sent to them
fate. Katerina had to carry her cross. An interesting fact is that in the old days suicides were buried not in the cemetery, but nearby. And the people passing by knew about fate
deceased. But Katerina dreamed, freed from worldly life, about how: "Under
a grave with a tree ... The sun warms her ... Birds will fly to the tree, they will sing, children
will be taken out. "Her soul could not exist peacefully without the beauties of nature and love.
Thus, we see that if a protest awakens, even in such passive
forms, albeit such a weak creature as a woman was considered in that era, then this is
growing protest among the people, a signal that was a harbinger of the death of the old
a way of life based on the system of feudal-serf despotism, and
gaining momentum of new progressive aspirations for equality, for freedom
human life.