Предмет: Українська мова, автор: Зеома

Напишіть будь ласка дієприкметникові звороти  з  повісті М.Стельмаха  "Гуси лебеді летять"


Автор ответа: annaburyak777
     Пропоную виписати такі дієприкметникові звороти з твору "Гуси-лебеді летять" Стельмаха:

1.Вони летять нижче розпатланих (яких?), обвислих (яких?) хмар i струшують на землю бентежнi звуки далеких дзвонiв.
2.  Я стаю нiби меншим, а навколо бiльшає, росте i мiниться увесь свiт: i загачене (яке?) бiлими хмарами небо, i одноногi скрипучi (які?) журавлi, що нiкуди не полетять, i полатанi (які?) веселим зеленим мохом стрiхи, i блакитнава дiброва пiд селом, i чорнотiла, туманцем пiдволохачена (яка?) земля, що пробилася з-пiд снiгу.
3. Навколо мене починає кружляти видiння казки, її нерозгаданi (які?) дороги, дрiмучi пралiси i тi гуси-лебедята, що на своїх крилах виносять з бiди малого хлопця.
4.  Що, що, надзигльований (який? ділектизм)?  
5. Мов сiро-блакитнавi, побризканi (які?) росою безсмертники, оживають старi очi.

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Having a pet is great. No matter what it is - a dog or a parrot, a hamster or a cat, having a pet brings you joy and happiness. Once you take a pet, it soon becomes a member of your family that gives you love and devotion; it becomes your friend that will never betray you. Our pets love us not because of money or our social status, they don’t care for our appearance, they just love us for being who we are.

Having a pet is also a great responsibility. You can have a tiny goldfish or a huge St. Bernard – in any case, it needs care and attention. One must not forget that a pet is not some kind of a toy, but a creature with its own character and needs. This creature fully depends on you and it is your duty to take care of it.

Two most popular pets are cats and dogs. Because of the great variety of breeds it is possible to choose the one that would be perfect for you and your family. But you have to remember that each animal is unique and sometimes it takes a great deal of time and effort to find the right one.

Small children usually like hamsters or domesticated rats as pets. They are cute and funny, and it is easy to take care of them. Most of the time they spend eating or playing, and watching them is fun. Children can pet them and give tasty things like cheese or nuts. White mice can also be a good choice of pet for children.

Pets can become great companions for lonely people and for the elderly. People with no family or those whose relatives live far away usually consider their pets as their family. They talk to them, play with them and feel like they are not alone. Elderly ladies mostly prefer cats and often they have more than one. сделать перевод сами а не в переводчике
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