Предмет: Литература, автор: lobarkhon25

1. Что вы узнали о мифах древних славян?
2. Кто такой Ярило? Каким его представляли древние славяне?
3. О чем повествуется в мифе о Яриле? Каким в нем предстает мир?
4. Найдите в тексте отрывок, в котором дано описание появле-
ния человека на Земле и зарождения у него разума.​
И ещё не надо писать типо иди читай лентяй!!!!!​


Автор ответа: ruzikrustamovna14111


1. Славянская мифология воплощает в себе представления древних народов о мире, его устройстве и возникновении. В них мы узнаем о том, какими были религиозные обряды и культы у древних славян. Как была создана Вселенная, Земля. Из мифов мы узнаем, какие были верования у славян в древности. Славяне разделяли мир на две части: наш живой мир, верхнюю часть Вселенной и нижний мир, мир мёртвы


Остальное не знаю сори

chirchikjaluzi: спасибо ❤️
chirchikjaluzi: спасибо ❤️
dilnavokarimkulova92: спасибо
ruzikrustamovna14111: Не за что
shukuroviskandar08: Спасибо большое ❤❤❤
allaberganovxasanboy: СПАСИБО БОЛЬШОЕ
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Hohotyn2013
Ответить на вопросы к диалогу:(вопросы после текста)
Chris: Hi! Did you have a good
weekend? Terry: Yes, it was great. Lilly: What did you do? Terry: John and I went to a rock concert on Saturday. It was at the Central Stadium. Chris: Who performed the concert? John: Okean Elzy, my favourite group.
Terry: It was only three o'clock in
the afternoon when we got there, so we watched as they were setting up the speakers for the sound system. One of the men working there even asked me to help, so we ran over and gave him a hand.
Lilly: When did they start the concert?
John: At six o'clock, and since we had helped earlier we were allowed to sit at the edge of the stage. We were almost close enough to touch the performers.
Terry: The best moment of the concert for me was when Svyatoslav Vakarchuk and his team appeared. I couldn't believe it when he walked out. I felt very excited to be so close to my favourite singer.
Chris: Did you speak to him?
John: Well, there were too many people. Everyone clapped. Svyatoslav stopped right in front of us, leaned over and told us to enjoy the show.
Lilly: What happened then? Terry: He started singing all of his hits. We all joined him and danced to the music. The rest of the concert was wonderful, and everybody had a great time. Chris: How did you feel after the
concert? John: As for me, I was happy because I had had the chance to see my favourite band and talk to Svyatoslav in front of five thousand people. Lilly: And what about you, Terry?
Terry: I felt exhausted, but also delighted. I enjoyed the concert very much.
Chris: I see you've really spent a great time at the weekend. John: Yes, we've been lucky.
Lilly: Now I've got an idea as for the theme of the next issue. Terry: We'll speak about music and favourite singers, won't we?
3. Answer the questions.
1. Did John and Terry have a really wonderful time on Saturday?
2. When did they arrive at the place?
3. What did they watch at three o'clock?
4. Where were the boys during the concert?
5. How did Terry feel himself at the concert? Why?
6. What did the singer tell the audience?
7. What was the concert like?
8. How did the boys feel after the concert?
9. What do you think is Lilly's idea as for the theme of the next issue of the 'English Bridge'?