Предмет: Русский язык, автор: bazaevadasha003

как описать атмосферу на фотографии? ​


Автор ответа: egoryshka20009


Эта фотография изображает концерт, который наконец-то состоялся. Все очень долго ждали концерта любимой группы, она приехала в наш город. Некоторым даже не хватило билетов. На концерте  звучала любимая многими музыка, песни повторялись на бис. Зрители восторгаются концертом. Они мечтали послушать эту группу, их мечты сбылись – они слушают своих кумиров. Зрителями являются в основном молодые ребята, они стоят перед сценой. Они машут руками певцам, одна девушка хлопает в ладоши, другая скрестила руки на груди, как бы в знак верности своей группе. Многие кричат что-то музыкантам. Некоторые подпевают.  Зрители восторгаются концертом. Все очень оживленные. Музыка наполняет зал. У всех хорошее настроение. Всем передаётся настроение выступающих. На всех лицах мы видим ожидание новых песен. Все ждут продолжения выступления. Атмосфера в зале является очень тёплой, дружественной, восторженной.

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Secondary schools are usually much larger than primary schools. Over half have between 400 and 800 pupils. The largest schools have 2,000.
Secondary schools may be organized differently. The policy of the Labour Government in 1970's was to move from the old division of grammar and secondary modern schools over to comprehensive ones.About 40 percent of secondary school pupils are now in comprehensive schools of one sort or another.
In recent years an increasing proportion of pupils have been staying on beyond the minimum school-leaving age of fifteen.
State schools are free in Great Britain, and attendance is compulsory.Morning school begins at nine o'clock and lasts for three hours, until twelve o'clock noon. Afternoon school begins at two o'clock and lasts for two and a half hours until half past four. School is open five days a week. On Saturdays and Sundays there are no lessins. There are holidays at Christmas, Easter and in summer.
In a primary school the first lesson of the day is usually Bible study, and the second lesson - arithmetic, both written and mental. The other lessons are: reading, writing, English language, English literature, English history, geography, science, Nature study, drawing, painting, singing, woodwork, and drill, consisting of Swedish exercises or organized games. Instead of woodwork, the girls curriculum includes needlework and cooking.
From private primary schools children may go to the grammar schools, either to one of the public schools or to a municipal school. Public schools like the ancient universities Oxford and Cambridge are almost entirely independent. Most of them have two sides: a classical side, specializing in ancient languages, history and philosophy; and a modern side, specializing in modern languages, natural science, and geography. The boys sleep in the school during the term, in houses, each house is governed by a house master. Their time is fully taken up by lessons and games. Every public school has playing-fields attached to it.
The fees at these public schools are high, much higher than those at the fee-paying grammar day schools. Moreover, at every state grammar school the places are free for boys and girls from the primary schools. The grammar schools are for boys or for girls, or for both. They are day schools, and the for boys or for girls, or for both. They are day schools, and the hours of instruction are similar to those at primary schools have six classes called forms. The first form is the lowest class, and the sixth is the highest.
When boys and girls reach the age of sixteen they may take the General Certificate of Education. There are, indeed, three standards of levels. In order to enter a university, a boy or a girl must pass examinations in five subjects of which English and another language must be two and which must include either mathematics or a science. He or she must pass at least two of these five subjects at the advanced level.
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