СРОЧНО СРОЧНО СРОЧНО БУДЬ ЛАСКА Present Perfect, Simple and Continuous
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets

Объяснение:10.Did you check your email this morning?
11.Tom and Mary have read every book
in this library.
12. My hands are dirty because I am repairyng my bicycle.
13.Tom reads detective novels recently.
14.I don't know how many times Tom went to Boston.
15."Can't you forgive me?" " No.Tom. What you have done is not forivable."
16. Tom wrote down a list of things we need to do.
17. Tom waited for Mary all morning but she still hasn't com.
18. Tom panted his house all week.
19.Tom said that he and Mary played chess together many times .
20. Don't you think this is going to enough?
21. Tom has just finished painting the picture he was paint.
22. My father did this job for twenty years.
23.I have read this for a few hours.
24. Tom wrote quiet a few letters to Mary.