Предмет: Химия, автор: samandar1433

1. Определите количество заполненных уровней и подуровней элемента с порядковым номером 36? А)3 и 8;B В)3 и 7; С)2 и 6; D) 3 и 6.
2. Определите количество заполненных уровней и подуровней элемента
с порядковым номером 20? А) 2 и 6 В)2 и 7 С) 3 и 6 D) 2 и 8.
3. Сколько неспаренных электронов имеет элемент с порядковым
номером 25?
4. Сколько неспаренных электронов имеет элемент с порядковым
номером 28?
5. Каково максимальное количество электронов в энергетическом
подуровне с орбитальным квантовым числом 3?
6. Каково максимальное количество электронов в энергетическом
подуровне с орбитальным квантовым числом 2?
7. Каково максимальное количество электронов в энергетическом
подуровне с орбитальным квантовым числом 0?​


Автор ответа: eshmirzasulton


1В. 2А. 3С. 4А. 5А. 6Д. 7Д.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Eldd
Task 1. Прочитайте текст и найдите места (1-6) где должны находиться эти фразы.

Одна фраза лишняя.

A frightening experience

We had such a fright last summer when we arrived at our holiday destination. We had imagined a country cottage in a picturesque village, where we would be able to spend a quite fortnight alone. However, when we arrived at the address 1____________ we could not believe our yes. The house was opened by a thin old lady, who was wearing a dirty old dress. She showed us into the lining room, 2_________________, and than left us without saying anything. As it was late we went up we went up to the bedroom, 3_______________. We tried to open the windows, but they were tightly shut, so we got into the bed, and tried to get to sleep. After a short time we heart a noise and we looked up and saw a young man trying desperately to open the window just as we had done. When he saw us, he disappeared through the door, 4_________. Our immediate reaction was to jump out of the bed, grab our things and spend the night in the car. The next day we discovered that the man 5___________ we had seen the night before had committed suicide by jumping out of the window in our bedroom forty years before. Every year since than, on the anniversary of his death, he had been seen in the room trying to open this window. Since than, however, his wife, the woman 6_________, had kept the window locked, which is why nobody could open it.

A – who had opened the door for us

B – whose eyes seemed to be full of tears

C – which was so hot we couldn’t bear it

D – which the travel agent had given us

E – we had seen the night before

F – which was full of old and dusty furniture and had no TV

G – which we had shut before going out
Предмет: Математика, автор: аноним356