Предмет: Русский язык, автор: anissakalpka

59Б. Спиши пословицы, вставляя пропущенные буквы.
1. Доброе слово ск...зать посошок в руки дать. 2. Доброе слово
дом построит, а злое разрушит. 3. От доброго слова язык не усохнет.
4. Рана от к...пья - на теле, рана от р...чей
— в душе.​


Автор ответа: Аноним


1) Доброе слово сказать- посошок в руки дать.

2) Доброе слово дом построит, а злое разрушит.

3) От доброго слова язык не усохнет.

4) Рана от копья- на теле, рана от речей- в душе.

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                 ГРАМОТНЫЙ ПЕРЕВОД ЭТОГО ТЕКСТА                   

                                               Nature versus nurture

The most basic and frequently encountered issue in
child psychology is whether behavior and development primarily result from
inborn, biological, nature factors, or environmental, experiential, nurture factors.

All child researchers  today subscribe some from of integrationist
position, in which both nature and nurture are assumed to contribute to human
development. But two types of debate on this issue continue. First, some
theorists, despite their overall interactionist philosophy, may contend that a
specific aspect of behavior has a biological basis, whereas others believe thet
it is the result of environmental causes. The second source of debate is that
even if are behavior is assumed to result from a combination of nature and
nurture, many questions remain regarding the role that each plays in the
process and the kinds of mechanisms that are involved.

The issue is well illustrated by the current
controversy in the area of sex-role development. Once a sex difference in
behavior has been established, explanations for the difference can take at list
three different forms. The difference can be attributed to nature, as in the
contention that the brains of males and females are structured differently. It can
be attributed to environmental factors, as in the argument that boys receive more
encouragement from parents and teachers to engage in activities that promote
spatial skills. Or it can involve an interactionist explanation, such as the
possibility that boys innately prefer activities involving spatial relations
and, as a result, spend more time improving these skills.