на англ
1. К чему может привести нездоровый вес?
2. Как физическая активность приносит пользу нашим мышцам и костям?
3. Что делает наше сердце?
4. Чем отличаются занятия низкой и средней интенсивности?
5. Как человек себя чувствует во время высокоинтенсивной деятельности?
1. What can lead to an unhealthy weight?
Ответ: This leads to the development of hypertension, and early, it is often observed in overweight people by the age of thirty. And hypertension is the main risk factor for heart accidents.
2. How does physical activity benefit our muscles and bones?
Ответ: Regular physical activity reduces the risk of heart disease (including heart attack, hypertension, and stroke) and helps fight overweight. This fact is widely known. However, significantly fewer people understand that physical activity is also very important in building and maintaining healthy, strong bones.
3. What does our heart do?
Ответ: The heart is a muscular organ in humans and animals that pumps blood through blood vessels.
4. What is the difference between low-and medium-intensity classes?
Ответ: For low — intensity exercises — 20 minutes or longer with a load of about 50% of the maximum capacity of the heart-fat reserves provide up to 90% of energy. And during aerobic exercise with a heart load of about 75% less fat is burned (about 60%), but the body loses more total calories, including "fat".
5. How does a person feel during high-intensity activity?
Ответ: During an aerobic workout, your heart rate should be 70-75% of your maximum and maintained for at least 20 minutes.
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