составьте утвердительное отрицательное и вопросительное предложение в present simple present continuous 1 my sister eat meat. 2 they study spanish.3 i make dinner. 4 he have tho cats. 5 molly go to the gym. должно получиться 30 предложений
1 +My sister eats meat
-My sister doesn't eat meat
? Does my sister eat meat?
My sister is eating meat at the moment
My sister aren't eat meat at the moment
Are my sister eat meat at the moment?
2 They study Spanish
They don't study Spanish
Do they study Spanish?
They are studying Spanish right now
They aren't studying Spanish right now
Are they study Spanish right now?
3 I make dinner every Monday
I don't make dinner every Monday
Do I make dinner every Monday?
I am making dinner now
i am not making dinner now
Am I making dinner now?
4 he have two cats
He doesn't have two cats
Does he have two cats?
Глагол have не используется в Present Continuous в значении иметь, владеть
5 Molly goes to gym two times a week
Molly doesn't go to gym two times a week
Does Molly go to gym two times a week?
Molly is going to gym now
Molly isn't going to gym now
Is Molly go to gym now?