Предмет: История, автор: mimimishka21042020

кто такие ричард дик шелтон, эллис дэкуорт, николас эппльярд ,ричард глостер, лорд шорби. из книги чёрная стрела стивенсон, и их краткая характеристика


Автор ответа: prlkomn

Ричард Дик Шелтон, воспитанник сэра Дэниэла. "Загорелый сероглазый юноша лет восемнадцати в куртке из оленьей кожи с черным бархатным воротником; на голове у него был зеленый капюшон, за плечами висел стальной арбалет."

Эллис Дэкуорт, «рослый, плотный человек с сединой в волосах, с загорелым, как прокопченный окорок, лицом», обладает в романе противоречивой характеристикой. Вначале разбойник из братства «Черная стрела» Уилл Лоулесс, бывший монах, королевский стрелок, моряк, называет его «вороньим пугало», который жаждет только мести. Затем Лоулесс является свидетелем собирания Эллисом оброка с крестьян.

Николас Эппльярд - старый солдат.

Ричард Йоркский, герцог Глостер, младший брат короля Эдуарда IV (1460-1483) родился в октябре 1452 г., накануне «войны Роз».

Лорд Шорби — претендент на руку Джоанны.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним
Choose the most
suitable verb form in each sentence.

1. That can’t be
right! I don’t believe / I’m not believing it!

2. Caroline can’t
swim today. She has / is having a cold.

3. See you in the
morning. Ileave / I’m leaving now.

4. What do you
do / are you doing? If you drop it, it will explode!

5. Stop doing that,
Bill! You’re / You’re being very silly.

6. I drive / I’m
driving! You can sit in the back with Martin.

7. What do we
eat / are we eating this evening? I’m really hungry!

8. You’re a great
cook! This cake tastes / is tasting wonderful.

9. Where do you
go / are you going? I haven’t finished speaking to you!

10. Chemistry is
hard. I don’t understand / I’m not understanding it.

11. What sort of
work do you do / are you doing?

12. I can’t talk
now. I cook / I’m cooking the dinner.

13. What shall we
have? Do you like / Are you liking fish?

14. Can I borrow
this typewriter? Or do you use / are you using it?

15. What do the
people here do / are the people here doing in the evenings?

16. Follow that
bus. Then you turn / are turning left.

17. A lot of people think that the
Sun goes / is going around the Earth.

18. Excuse me, do
you read / are you reading your newspaper? Could I borrow it?

19. Do you wait
/ Are you waiting for the bus to Newcastle?

20. Andy builds
/ is building his own house in the country.

21. My daughter
works / is working in a restaurant for the summer, but she doesn’t like
/ isn’t liking it very much.

22. This cheese smells
/ is smelling awful.

23. I often try to
read the newspapers in English but I am not understanding / don’t understand
very much.

24. The children grow
up / are growing up very quickly. They look / are looking very like
their mother now.
25. Sara seems /
is seeming to be very upset. I think / am thinking she is worried
about something.

26. Does this
coat belong / Is this coat belonging to you?

27. No, my coat hangs
/ is hanging there behind the door.

28. I can hear /
am hearing something downstairs. It sounds / is sounding as if
someone tries / is trying to open a window.