put verbs in correct Tenses

1 hands over
2 is speaking
3 watched tv
4 will close
5 will
6 did he go
7 go shopping
8 will help
9 is chief cook preparing dinner
10 did they see you
11 is cleaning
12 are they sweeping
13 do
14 does she play
15 did you write
1. John hands over every morning.
2. She is speaking with Captain now.
3. Ratings watched TV yesterday.
4. ‘I’m cold’ – I will close the window.
5. What time do they get up?
6. Did he go to a party yesterday?
7. We go shopping every Sunday.
8. He will help his mother tomorrow.
9. Is Chief cook preparing dinner now?
10. Did you see her yesterday?
11. She is cleaning the cabin now.
12. Are they sweeping the deck now?
13. What films do you like?
14. Does she play football every day?
15. Did you write a letter to your friend yesterday? (возможен ещё, например, вариант did you send – глагол-то не указан)