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He has won the world championship and the Olympic Games. He could be sure that he had no rivals in the coming competitions. After winning the world championship and the Olympic Games he could be sure that he had no rivals in the coming competitions.
1. The court was clean. Now the match could be started.
2. The article was translated. The student showed it to the teacher.
3. A children’s sport center was opened. After that much more children started going into different kinds of sports.
4. The game was over. There was no possibility now to even the score.
5. The sportsman has hurt his knee and that’s why he couldn’t take part in the championship.
6. A children’s sport center was opened. After that much more children started going into different kinds of sports.
7. The referee followed the competition very thoroughly. His attention was paid to the swimming pool.
8. He has won the world championship and the Olympic Games. He could be sure that he had no rivals in the coming competitions
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He has won the world championship and the Olympic Games. He could be sure that he had no rivals in the coming competitions. After winning the world championship and the Olympic Games he could be sure that he had no rivals in the coming competitions.
1. After cleaning the court the match could be started.
2. After translating the article the student showed it to the teacher.
3.After opening of a children’s sport center much more children started going into different kinds of sports.
4. After the game was over there was no possibility to even the score.
5. After hurting his knee the sportsman couldn’t take part in the championship.
6. same as the 3rd
7. Following the competition very thoroughly the referee paid attention to the swimming pool.
8. After winning the world championship and the Olympic Games he could be sure that he had no rivals in the coming competitions.