Предмет: География, автор: katrusy2002

Из предложенного списка выбери отрасли относящиеся к
группе старых отраслей: роботостроение, информационная индустрия, выплавка железа,микроэлектроника.

fdosmukhamedova: а где же список???
fdosmukhamedova: ???
katrusy2002: а)роботостроение,б) информационная индустрия,в) выплавка железа,г)микроэлектроника.
fdosmukhamedova: это В-вариант


Автор ответа: fdosmukhamedova


В)Это выплавка железа


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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: gardenstate
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Productive Land for Agriculture

Land must have plenty of moisture from precipitation or irrigation to produce plants. But irrigation requires precipitation, somewhere, to provide the water. Plenty of moisture we can have only in or from the humid areas.
Irrigation in the Caucasus is possible because of the mountains. Winds passing over the mountains are forced upward, cooled and caused to precipitate their moisture as rain and snow, which in due season provide water for irrigating the land.
Without the mountains, we would have little irrigated farming. That is why we must manage the forests on the mountains so as to husband the water supplies that originate on them.
Precipitation alone is not enough to make land a valuable agricultural resource. Not all our humid areas are highly productive farmlands. Productive land for plants must also have soils that will take in, hold, and supply the water to the plants in the amounts they need. Soils that have bedrock or other dense layers close to the surface, and deep sand generally cannot hold enough water for abundant plant growth.
Slopes also affect the supply of moisture. Often much of the moisture that falls on steep slopes runs off too fast and is therefore not available for plant grows on such slopes.
Soils whose physical characteristics prevent plants from getting proper amounts of water usually are more unfavorable for crops than are infertile soils that can take in, store and supply moisture to the crop.
Deficiencies in fertility can be overcome by fertilization. But often there is no practical way to overcome such physical shortcomings as lack of moisture-storing ability.
Our humid and subhumid areas have a high percentage of land that combines three favourable characteristics – good moisture supply. Deep moisture-retentive soils and gentle slopes.

Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be. переведите предложения:
1. I ... a student of the Land Use Planning faculty.
2. Before the Great October Socialist Revolution lan resources ... in private ownership.
3. Land ... not only the soil under our feet.
4. Next year you ... ... a land use planner.
5. The increase in the production of vegetables ... the result of proper use of fertilizers.
6. The basic elements of the cadastral systems ... different in different countries.

Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму:
1. They used fertile land for construction sites.
2. Land inventory is a sistematic survey of land capability of all regions.
3. The land use planner determines which acreages to employ in each land use.

Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных.
Little, interesting, busy, short, complicated, sad.

Напишите прописью следующие числительные:
11, 148, 912, 2006, 38672, 2/3, 35.06

Заполните пропуски предлогами и переведите предложение:
1. A parcel can be an area … land … a particular type … land us.
2. … this text we discuss the basic determination … the cadastral system.
3. Land … agriculture must have plenty … moisture … precipitation or irrigation to produce plants.
4. Land economic evaluation serves as a basis … application … modern science and technology … farming.
5. The impact … the road network … all aspects … agriculture must be fully assessed.

Подберите синонимы к следующим словам:
Land use planner, benefit, link, dangerous, scarcity.