Срочно! Написати твір на тему "Україна, її географічне положення". 15 речень. На англійській мові, але можна і на українській:) Дякую!
P.S.: з мене 50 балів;)
Ukraine is a country located in the central part of Europe, one of the largest on the continent.The area of Ukraine is 603.7 thousand square meters. km. In terms of territory and population, Ukraine can be compared to France. Its neighbors are Belarus, Russia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Poland and Slovakia. In the south, the country is bordered by the Black and Azov Seas. It borders Turkey, Bulgaria and Georgia through the Black Sea.
The population of Ukraine is about 48.4 million inhabitants, including urban - 68%, rural - 32%. The average population density is 81 inhabitants per 1 sq. Km. km. In addition to Ukrainians, there are more than 110 ethnic groups living in the country. Ukrainians - 73% of the population, Russians - 22%. Jews, Belarusians, Moldovans, Bulgarians, Poles, Hungarians, Greeks and others make up 5%. 66% consider Ukrainian their mother tongue, and 31% consider Russian their mother tongue.Ukraine is a multi-religious state. Orthodoxy has long been a traditional religious teaching. The religious life of the country is influenced by three Orthodox church institutions, the Greek Catholic and the Roman Catholic Church. Protestants, Jews and Muslims make up 5% of the total number of believers.
Ukraine emerged on the political map of the world in 1991 as a democratic state governed by the rule of law.
State power in Ukraine is divided into legislative, executive and judicial. The Constitution of Ukraine has the highest legal force. The Basic Law defines and guarantees local self-government.