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Store of Wealth.
Money serves as a store of wealth by retaining purchasing power over time. The
cobbler exchanges shoes for corn in the belief that other suppliers would
accept corn in exchange for whatever the cobbler demands later. Corn represents
a way of deferring purchasing power yet conserving that power until consumption
is desired.
A firm would be
in a much safer position if it had a range of products at different stages of
the product life cycle. This is called a product portfolio. The Boston
Consulting Group has identified a classification of products called the Boston
matrix. When a product is approaching the decline phase, the firm can either
decide to end production or to try to revitalise the market. The second
approach is known as an extension strategy. How the product or service is
marketed will in part depend on the stage in the cycle it has reached. It will
also depend on a range of other factors, e.g. the product itself, the
competition, the state of the economy, the size of the firm, etc. Four main
factors are identified in most textbooks, known as the 4P's. They are price,
promotion, place and product. A firm must ensure that it pays attention to each
of the 4P's and ensures that they are consistent with each other. Firms can
adopt a variety of pricing strategies depending on the constraints it faces. If
the firm is a large monopoly producer facing-no potential competitors and
making a high-status, well established product it may be able to charge high
prices and make super normal profits. The absence of any of these conditions
may change the strategy. A small firm facing many competitors may have to
charge low competitive prices set by the market or follow the prices set by the
market leader. If a firm introduced a new innovative product it may choose to
charge a high price, hoping that consumers who like to be seen to be the first
to buy a product will be prepared to pay the price.
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Earliest Money and Its Functions We should note that nobody actually recorded the emergence of money. Thus, we can only speculate about how money first came into use. Through repeated exchanges, traders may have found that there were certain goods for which there was always a ready market. If a trader could not find a desired match or did not need goods for immediate consumption, some good with a ready market would be accepted instead. So traders began to accept certain goods not for immediate consumption but because these goods would be acceptable to others and therefore could be retraded later. For example, corn might become accepted because traders knew corn was always in demand. As one good became generally acceptable in return for all other goods, that good began to function as money. As we will see, anything that is used as money serves three important functions: a medium of exchange, a standard of value, and a store of wealth. Medium of Exchange. If a community, by luck or by design, can find one commodity that everyone accepts in exchange for whatever is sold, traders can save much time, disappointment, and sheer aggravation. A medium of exchange is anything that is generally accepted in return for goods and services sold. It can be shoes, meat, pots. The earliest money was commodity money Standard of Value. As one commodity, such as corn, became widely accepted, the prices of all goods came to be quoted in terms of corn. The chosen commodity became a common standard of value. The price of shoes or pots could be expressed in bushels of corn. Thus, not only does corn serve as a medium of exchange but it also becomes a yardstick for measuring the value of all goods and services.