Предмет: Английский язык, автор: gook231232

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Автор ответа: BigTheCat


1.Skilled - good at doing something ;

2.Custumer service - the department that takes care of people who buy products or servisces ;

3.An architect - someone who designs buildings ;

4.Creative - able to use original ideas to create something ;

5. Famous - known by many people ;

6.A partner - someone who owns part of a business ;


1. Skilled(Прокаченый, имеет хорошие скилы или тот кто в чём-то хорош) - good at doing something(Хорош в чём-то, в том чтоб что-то делать);

2.Customer service(Отдел обслуживания клиентов) - the department that takes care of people who buy products or servisces(Отдел, который заботится о людях, которые покупают продукцию или услуги компании);

3.An architect(Архитектор) - someone who designs buildings(Кто-то, кто проектирует строения);

4.Creative(Творческий(Например : Человек)) - able to use original ideas to create something(Умение использовать оригинальные идеи, чтобы сотворить(Создать) что-то);

5.Famous(Известный, или тот, у кого есть слава) - known by many people(Тот, кто известен многим людям);

6.A partner(Партнёр(В этом случае - бизнес партнёр)) - someone who owns part of a business(Тот, кто является владельцем какой-то части бизнеса);

BigTheCat: Точность 99%
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it is critical to be clear what one means when one speaks of'Е-Learning'. In many respects, it is commonly
associated with the field of advanced learning technology (ALT), which deals
with both the technologies and associated methodologies in learning using
network and/or multimedia technologies. The worldwide e-learning industry is
estimated to be worth over 38 billion euros according to conservative
estimates, although in the European Union only about 20% of e-learning products
are produced within the common market. Developments in internet and multimedia
technologies are the basic enabler of e-learning. with content, technologies
and services being identified as the three key sectors of the e-learning
industry. Growth of e-learning By 2005, more than 3.2 million students were
participating in online learning at institutions of higher education in the
United States. Many higher education, for-profit institutions, now offer on-line
classes. By contrast, only about half of private, non-profit schools offer
them. The Sloan report, based on a poll of academic leaders, says that students
generally appear to be at least as satisfied with their on-line classes as they
are with traditional ones. Private Institutions may become more involved with
on-line presentations as the cost of instituting such a system decreases.
Properly trained staff must also be hired to work with students on-line.