Предмет: Английский язык, автор: alzmalzm

Прошу помочь, пожалуйста

Test 1

1. Australia is a large country lying between_______

2. Its area is_______

3. The population of Australia is__________

4. The first Australian people were_______________

Text №2

Australian climate is dry and warm. Australia is situated in the Southern Hemisphere and that is why it has summer when we have winter. January is the hottest month in Australia. Australia is separated from many countries. Murrey is the largest river in Australia. There is Lake Eyre in Australia. The highest point of Australia is Mount Kosciusko. The driest and hottest place in Australia is the Simpson Desert. Summer temperatures here can be more than 50°C.

Test 2

1. _______________ is dry and warm.

2. Australia is situated___________

3. ___________ is the largest river in Australia.

4. The highest point of Australia is_________

5. The Simpson Desert________ in Australia.

Text №3

Today Australia is an independent federative state consisting of 6 states and 2 territories. It is a member of the Commonwealth headed by the British Queen. The national language is English. About 70 % оf the population live in the l0 largest cities. Only 15% of the population live in rurаl areas. The capital of Australia is Canberra; the largest cities are Sidney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. Canberra is the capital of Australia located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Sydney Opera House is the main sight in Sydney.

Test 3

1._________ is an independent federative state______.

2. It is a member of the Commonwealth__________.

3. The capital of Australia is_________.

4. __________ located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

5.________ is the main sight in Sydney.

Text №4

Australia is an industrial country- it has coal, nickel, zinc and gold. Australia is one of the most important producers of metals and minerals. Most of the factories are situated near big cities. Australia has the second highest number of sheep after China. It exports wool production, meat, fruit and sugar. Sydney is a big industrial centre.

Test 4

1. Australia is an industrial country_______.

2. It exports____________.

3. Australia has the second highest number of sheep______.

Text №5

The flag of Australia is the red, white and blue Union Jack in the upper left corner indicating Australia’s membership in the Commonwealth, the white five-star Southern Cross in the right half; and the white seven-pointed federal star below the Union Jack. The national anthem of Australia is «Advance Australia Fair».

Australia's coat of arms is the official emblem of the Australian government - was

granted bу King Georg V in 1912. The kangaroos and emus can be seen on the arms of Australia. А yellow-flored native plant, wattle, also appears in the design.

Australia's national day, on 26 January marks the date in 1788 when Capitain Аrthur

Phillip, commanded а fleet of eleven ships and sailed into port Jackson.

The flag of Australia is the only one оvеr а whole continent. The small Union Jack

represents the historical links with Britain, the large seven-pointed star represents the six States and the Territories, and the small stars fоrm the Southern Cross is а prominent feature of the southern hemisphere night sky.

Test 5

1. The flag of Australia________ indicating Australia’s membership in the Commonwealth, ________ Southern Cross,____________ the Union Jack.

2. Australia's coat of arms is_____________.

3. Australia's national day_________.

4. The small Union Jack represents the historical links with___________.

Text №6

animewnica202: А где ещё текст 1?
alzmalzm: Australia is a large country lying between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Australia is an island, like Britain. Its area is about 8,000,000 square km. The population of Australia is about 18 mln. Most of Australia is semi-desert. People cannot live where there is no water, and so most of

people in Australia live in the richer south-east. The first Australian people were dark-skinned Aborigines. Their account for about 1 percent of the population.
animewnica202: Test 1

1. Australia is a large country lying between the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

2. Its area is about 8.000.000 square km.

3. The population of Australia is about 18 mln.

4. The first Australian people were dark-skinned Aborigens


Автор ответа: animewnica202


Test 2

1. Australian climate is dry and warm.

2. Australia is situated in the Southern Hemisphere

3.Murrey is the largest river in Australia.

4. The highest point of Australia is Mount Kosciusko

5. The Simpson Desert is the driest and hottest place in Australia.

Test 3

1.Today Australia is an independent federative state consisting of 6 states and 2 territories

2. It is a member of the Commonwealth headed by the British Queen..

3. The capital of Australia is Canberra.

4. Canberra is the capital of Australia located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

5.Sydney Opera House is the main sight in Sydney.

Test 4

1. Australia is an industrial country- it has coal, nickel, zinc and gold.

2. It exports wool production, meat, fruit and sugar.

3. Australia has the second highest number of sheep after China.

Test 5

1. The flag of Australia is the red, white and blue Union Jack in the upper left corner indicating Australia’s membership in the Commonwealth, the white five-star Southern Cross,and the white seven-pointed federal star below the Union Jack.

2. Australia's coat of arms is the official emblem of the Australian government

3. Australia's national day is on 26 January marks the date in 1788

4. The small Union Jack represents the historical links with Britain

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