Предмет: Математика, автор: dimavinyarskiy2007


Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. 26,5
b. 0
c. 7,6
d. Рівняння не має розв'язків


Автор ответа: WallStreet2

x = 5/2 + 4/9 (общий знаменатель будет 18)

x = (45+8)/18 = 53/18

можно записать и как x = 2.9444...

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: katushalev1995
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.LEEDS UNIVERSITY1. Leeds University has a century-old tradition of teaching and research inmechanical engineering and its degrees are recognized the world over.2. The Mechanical Engineering department has about 270 undergraduates andso academic staff. The teaching staff are practising engineers as well as academics.They are involved in consultation and research and maintain close links withindustry.3. The Department offers both three year courses leading to the degree ofBachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.) and four year courses leading to the degree ofMaster of Engineering (M. Eng.).4. The first two years of the courses are common to both three- and four-yearschemes and cover basic material for practising engineers. The course covers solidmechanics, thermofluids, materials, design, production and computing. There arealso courses in mathematics and electronics and in introduction to the role of theengineer in society.5. The final years of both schemes offer thirty options from which studentschoose five or seven subjects. These options include vehicle dynamics,aerodynamics, energy, analysis of manufacturing processes, biomechanicalengineering, noise and vibration control, social and industrial psychology.6. The courses consist of formal lectures, reinforced by tutorials, laboratoryclasses and projects, and practical design and computing work. Project work takesthe form of assignment which a qualified engineer might be given. The project inthe fourth year of the M. Eng. course involves co-operation with industrialengineers.

2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты данных фраз:1. машиностроение2. степень Бакалавра / Магистра Технических наук3. факультативные предметы; предметы на выбор4. преподавательский состав5. консультации6. кафедра7. задание8. содействие9. выпускники10. программа обучения

3. Ответьте на вопросы.1) What is Leeds University?2) What does the project in the fourth year of the Master of engineering courseinvolve?
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: ktyjh17