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A- Name of the holiday
B- Date
C - What do people do?
D - Is it a national holiday?
1) см. таблицу
A Valentine's Day
B February, the 14th
С People exchange cards and spend time together with the loved ones.
В No, it isn't a national holiday.
A Washington's Birthday
B February, the 22тв
С People go shopping as there are sales in shops.
В No, it isn't a national holiday.
A Easter
B the first Sunday after the first full moon between March 22 and April 25
C People have spring vacation at this time. Many people go to churches. People give each other eggs.
D No, it isn't a national holiday, it's a church holiday.
A Memorial Day
B May, the 30th
C People honour the soldiers killed in past wars. Schools, clubs and churches decorate the cemeteries and put up flags on the graves of the soldiers.
D Yes, it's a national holiday.
A Independence Day
B July, the 4th
C People have picnics and meet their friends.
D Yes, it's a national holiday.
A Halloween
B October, the 31st
C Children dress up as ghosts and witches and go from house to house saying "Trick or treat"
D No, it isn't a national holiday
A Thanksgiving Day
B the fourth Thursday in November
C All family members gather at the house of their parents and have a large dinner with turkey and pumpkin pie
D Yes, it's a national holiday.
A Christmas Day
B December, the 25th
C Schools and colleges close between Christmas and New Year's Day. People stay at home and spend the time with their families.
D Yes, it's a national holiday.