Предмет: Английский язык, автор: shirninandrei4


Раздел 1. Аудирование
Вы услышите 3 коротких диалога, обозначенных A, B и С. Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1 – 4 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия. Запишите ответы в тетрадь в виде таблицы.
1. At the museum.
2. At the concert.
3. At the theatre.
4. At the library.
Диалог A B C
Место действия

Раздел 2. Чтение.
Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствия между текстами A – D и заголовками 1- 5. Запишите свои ответы в тетрадь. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
1. Manchester Is a Big International Port.
2. Manchester Is a Student City.
3. Manchester Is a Big Modern City.
4. Manchester Is a Great City for Sport.
5. Manchester Is a City for Entertainment.

A. Manchester is the third largest city in England. More than 500,000 people live there. The city has an international airport. It is the third largest in the UK. It welcomes 20 million people every year. The city has got a modern on-street transport system, the Metrolink. Manchester communicates with the world with two TV stations and six radio stations.

B. Manchester has more than 12,000 sports clubs. Ten million people play or watch sport there, more than in any other city of Britain. Manchester United, the world’s most famous football club, has more international fans than any other club.

C. Young people think that Manchester is the centre for music, fashion and style. There are two symphony orchestras, more than fifty museums and galleries. Two million people visit Manchester’s museums and galleries a year. There are a lot of other attractions with something for everyone.

D. Manchester is one of the UK’s most popular university cities. People from different countries study in five universities. The city has taught the world for many years. More than twenty Nobel Prize winners came from Manchester.

Текст A B C D
Раздел 3. Грамматика
Прочитайтеприведенныйнижетекст. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильной грамматической форме.

In the 16th century, Hide Park (1) ________ (be) a wild park. In 1637, it (2) ________ (became) a public park. Since 1968, there (3) _______ (be) free concerts in the park. In 1991, L.Pavarotti (4) ______(give) a big summer concert in the park. About 100,000 people (5) ______(come) to the park soon. On July 7th, they (6) _____ (watch) a big pop concert. Now the park (7) ____(be) popular with Londoners and tourists. They (8) ______ (like) the park.

Раздел 4. Лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Выберите из слов, напечатанных в скобках, те, которые грамматически и лексически соответствуют содержанию текста.

Thorpe Park is one of the largest and finest theme parks in the world. When it opened in 1979, people could watch a huge (1) ____________ (collect / collection) of miniature models from famous places on earth, such as the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramid of Cheops, the Tower of London and others there. They could also see an (2) __________ (exhibit / exhibition) of boats of the era of the Vikings and take water rides on lakes around the park. Now it is the second largest (3) ___________ (amuse / amusement) park in the UK with over 25 rides and attractions. There is fun and (4) ___________ (entertain / entertainment) for people of all ages. Also there are fantastic Halloween (5) __________ (perform / performances) in October every year in the park. In 2013, the park had about 2 million (6) __________ (visits / visitors).


Автор ответа: tatatatatatatatat


Раздел 1.

А - 2

B - 1

C - 4

Раздел 2.

A - 3

B - 4

C - 5

D - 2

Раздел 3.

1. Was


3.have been


5.will come

6. will watch

7. is

8. Like

Раздел 4.

1. Collection

2. Exhibition

3. Amusement

4. Entertainment

5. Performances

6. Visitors


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for making and buying decorations for the tea and house. The central decoration for Christmas must be the tree* Children are thrilled by it and I suspect that it still holds great magic for all of us. Prince Albert introduced the custom to England by bring­ing cut conifers from Germany in the nineteenth century. These were the trees that drop their needles within a few days of be­ing cut. Despite this, I am still very fond of them: their aromat­ic scents always transport me back to my childhood and to the wild hope that there might be snow outside on Christmas Day. Christmas tree production is today a booming business, and there are varieties of trees that hold their needles for qui be a long period of time. But I personally still decorate the tree and put up the decorations just three or four days before Christmas. When we were children, Christmas Eve was devoted to the purpose of wrapping presents. We were so excited, it seemed that we hardly slept at all that night. Dressed in his red suit, Father Christmas duly appeared in the morning to wake us up. Then there was the feverish opening of presents in the stock­ings at the end of our beds. Alas, the presents under the tree, could only be opened after Christmas cake had been cut at tea time. In my teens it was the real high point of Christmas holiday!

A truffle— трюфель

a conifer ['kounifо] — хвойное дерево

A booming business — бизнес, сопровождающийся большой реклам­ной шумихой


Christmas holiday appeals to the child in all of us, doesn't it?

What are the marvellous aspects of this particular holiday?

Who introduced the custom of cut conifers to England?

When was this wonderful custom introduced to England?

What are the delights of this holiday?

Has Christmas been the most exciting time of the year for the narrator?

When do people usually buy Christmas gifts? What is un­usual in this aspect about a certain friend of his?

What kind of tree does the narrator prefer to have in his house on Christmas?

What was the real high point of Christmas Holiday in the narrator's childhood?

10. How was Father Christmas usually dressed and when did he appear?