Предмет: Информатика, автор: soffkarrr07

Помогите, пожалуйста
Информатика, 9 класс
Создать одномерный массив типа integer в 10 элементов, заполнить случайными числами от -10 до 10 функцией random. Найти наибольший элемент массива, вывести его на экран.


Автор ответа: KnowsUser1


--- PascalABC.NET 3.6.2 ---


 var A := ArrRandomInteger(10, -10, 10); // -> Array of integer

 A.Println; //Выводим массив в консоль. Строка нужна для проверки

 A.Max.Println; //Ищем максимум и печатаем его



Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: cobra636
№ 4

на русский язык следующие предложения:


1. He said he had not heard
anything about it.

He said that Peter had booked tickets for the theatre the previous week.


3. Mr. Stone told me that the meeting would take place the following


4. He said the secretary had already phoned Mr. Brown.


5. Peter said that the Spartak players had scored three goals before the
end of the first half.


6. He
told them he would speak to Mr. Smith about it if he saw him the next day.


7. Jane
said she would join us the next day.


8. Ann
said she was going out that night.


9. Jane
said her husband was a manager in a big factory.


10. He said
that Byron was born on January 22, 1788.
