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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: надина1996
MICHAIL LOMONOSOUМ. U. Lomonosov is considered to be the father of Russian science. Many of hisscientific discoveries proved to be invaluable contributions to world science which influencedthe work of the progressive scientists of his time. It is difficult to enumerate his many-sidedscientific activities.Lomonosov was a complete master of natural sciences especially in chemistry and physicsand it was with Lomonosov that geology, mineralogy, geochemistry, physical chemistry, miningand many other branches of science began. He took great interest in history and mathematics andhe is considered to be the founder of Russian materialistic philosophy. Besides all thisLomonosov is known to have been a poet. His literary works remain the most significant, pagesof Russian literature which influenced the development of Russian poetry.Lomonosov is also known to be the author of the first Russian grammar book. In additionto the Russian Lomonosov had a perfect command of many foreign Languages such as Latin,French, German and ancient Greek.Lomonosov was a prominent Russian artist and he is known to have made a greatcontribution to the development of Russian pictorial act.We know Lomonosov's life to be full of difficulties and obstacles which he had toovercome. His father wanted Michail to become a fisher man. But Lomonosov's desire tostudy was so great that at the age of 19 he started to Moscow on foot to enter the Slavonic-GreekLatin Academy. His scientific career lasted 25 years was marked by a striking capasity for work.In these 25 years he carried out a gigantic amount of work in various branches of science,engineering and art. He fought for educating his people and he is sure to have done the best toestablish schools all over the country.By the end of his life Lomonosov had been elected honorary member of a number offoreign academies. Lomonosov died at the age of 54 on April 15, 1765.
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: кСю908
А16. Укажите предложение, в котором нужно поставить двоеточие.
1. В беспечной юности я знал одни дремучие дубравы, ручьи, пещеры наших скал. 2. Справа, слева, впереди забелели берёзовые стволы.
3. И птичий разговор, и чёрный кустарник, и запах прелых листьев всё было необычно. 4. В поздний час все домашние в сборе братья, сёстры, отец и мать.
А17. Укажите предложение, в котором нужно выделить запятой определение (знаки не расставлены).
1. Заснувший у меня на руках ребёнок внезапно проснулся. 2. Заросшие хвощом коряги казались сказочными существами. 3. Сильно заболевшая она не могла ходить на работу. 4. На вершине дерева в лучах восходящего солнца воркует дикий голубь.
А18. Укажите предложение, в котором нужно выделить запятыми приложение (знаки не расставлены).
1. Ширину реки царицы не представишь ты вовек. 2. Острая публицистика встречается в газете «Московский комсомолец». 3. Всякая птичка даже воробей привлекали моё внимание. 4. Как драматург Володин дебютировал в 1955 году