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Ответ: Yes, I completely agree with that.
All the best we have in this life is given to us for free. Take only your own life, we did not pay a penny for it. Hugs of loved ones, a sincere smile of a child, the air we breathe, dawn, the sun that tickles us in the morning, selfless friendship, contagious laughter and wonderful memories, we have it all without even paying anything.
We are rich people, we have so much, but we don't have enough of it. We buy planes, build dozens of houses, change jobs, but eventually realize that money is not the main thing. As one quote says: "The richest man and, which does not need money for happiness. "
We have everything for free, so we must appreciate it. We will not buy a kiss from a loved one for all the money in the world, we will not earn the child's respect with expensive toys. As one wise man said: "In this world I value only fidelity. no one. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate .. ".
When you no longer strive to own, the whole world belongs to you.