Предмет: Химия, автор: polishkotani

5. Вкажіть молекулу, хімічний звязок між атомами в якій є найбільш полярним: а) СН 4 ; б) NH 3 ; в) Br 2 ; r) N 2 ; д) Сl 2 .


Автор ответа: karischalissuk123456


Вроде ответ д) Cl2, как то так

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Про­чи­тай­те при­ведённый нижеПро­чи­тай­те при­ведённый ниже текст. Пре­об­ра­зуй­те слово, на­пе­ча­тан­ное за­глав­ны­ми бук­ва­ми в скоб­ках так, чтобы оно грам­ма­ти­че­ски со­от­вет­ство­ва­ло со­дер­жа­нию тек­ста. За­пол­ни­те про­пуск по­лу­чен­ным сло­вом.
After school, I decided to go to university. I __________________(CHOOSE) St Andrews University in Scotland. At that time I __________________(NOT/KNOW) much about the University but when I arrived there, I liked it at once. Now I'm in my last year and I wish I __________________(CAN) stay here forever! St Andrews University is a truly special place. It __________________(BUILD) 600 years ago and it is one of the oldest universities in the English-speaking world. It has many traditions – for example, the ‘May Dip’. It is held on the __________________(ONE) of May every year. All the students run into the North Sea at sunrise to celebrate the coming of spring and for good luck in their exams! One of my classmates said that the tradition __________________(HELP)him to pass his exams last summer. For me the ‘May Dip’ was the __________________(COLD) experience of my life! Because the weather is famously cold, St Andrews students designed __________________(THEY) own uniform which consists of a warm jacket, jeans and boat shoes. The uniform __________________(MAKE) us all look the same, but it is the only way to keep warm!
Предмет: Математика, автор: аноним1101