Предмет: Математика, автор: brum61

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3. Переведите текст
на русскнй 83ЫК письменно ТНЕ

Levi's make the.most famous and роршаг
поцветв in the
world. Тhey are made of                    ~

very strong cotton which originally сamnе пот Nimes in France. "De
Nimes" Ье-                  :

Levi Strauss was а Gепnan immigrant who arrived in San
Francisco in 1853. Рщ                 

Ье made tents for gold prospectors. Тhen, Ье started to
make поцвега fi'om
the same              '

material. In 1873, Levi's dyed the trousers ые е, Levi's headquarters todaу is
still in              

San Francisco and, in 1993, they sold 50 million pair
oftheir "501" Ыце jеanз.
Тhe сотрanу was not a1ways successful. In the
1980З, they had proыmss but they changed management and, in 1985, ВоЬ нaas
Ьесате President of the company. With large investment in marketing and
advertising, Levi's relaunched the original 501 jeans. Тhe campaign was а
huge зиссезз. In Great Britain the advertising was во successful that за1ез
of501 jeans rose Ьу 800%!
Today, about 16,000,000 pairs of 501 jeans are
sold [п Westem,Europe and they are а11 шаёе in factories in Scotland and
France. More than ha1f of Levi 'в profits соте пот ехрогв.

Тhe factory in France employs about 540 реорlе
who produce 18,000 раirз of jeans per day. With thirty-fivefactories in the
US, Lеvi'з iз а major employer, рашсц­larly in the South. Unfortunately, Ьесаизе Levi's
are зисЬ а popular product there аге тanу "pirate" copies made
also. In 1993, for example, роНсе throughout the world found 2,000,000 fake
pairs ofLevi's jeans.