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The electronic industry is the brainchild of the scientific and technological revolution, the role of the scientific potential of countries and firms in the development of new (innovative) types and types of its products and the creation of advanced production technologies is extremely large. This predetermined close cooperation between research institutions and manufacturing enterprises. In conditions of market competition, it was necessary to drastically reduce the time cycle from product development to its release. This was accomplished in technopolises (such as the famous Silicon Valley in the United States). There is practically no territorial (and, therefore, temporary) gap between scientific research and production, thereby achieving high economic efficiency of the entire cycle - from the moment a new idea appears to the mass release of goods.
In the mechanical engineering of individual countries, the electronic industry has taken a leading position. This applies mainly to a number of new industrial countries in Asia (Singapore, the Republic of Korea, etc., also China), where it has become a branch of state specialization. In some of these countries, electronics accounts for more than half the value of all industry products. In countries with developed mechanical engineering, electronics production has supplanted a number of traditional engineering industries and its share is very high: according to a number of estimates, it reached 46% in the USA and 40% in Japan.
Вместе с тем, сейчас в России производство компонентной базы, в первую очередь изделий микроэлектроники, практически отсутствует. А это грозит всем отраслям промышленности страны потерей конкурентоспособности, что может привести к самым драматическим и непредсказуемым последствиям для всей мировой политики и, возможно, судьбы человечества.
1. Electronic industry in Russia today.
2. Technology growth in Russia.
3. Threat to industry in Russia.