Предмет: Геометрия, автор: 459485

Чему равна площадь ромба со стороной 10 см и углом,равным 60 градусам ?


Автор ответа: komandor
Из тупого угла ромба проводишь диагональ. Получилось два равносторонних треугольника, поскольку боковые стороныы равны как стороны ромба, значит треуг. равнобедренный. А если в равнобедренном тр-ке угол при вершине 60, то и при основании по 60. Значит тр-ки равносторонние со сторонами 10 см
Проведи вторую диагональ. Диагонали пересекаются под прямым углом, точкой пересечения делятся пополам и делят углы пополам из которх они проведены. 
Рассмотрим один из 4-х прямоугольных тр-ков (а они все равны).
Гипотенуза 10 см, один из катетов 5 см, тогда второй катет:
√(100 - 25) =  √75 = 5√3 см
Мы нашли половину второй диагонали, тогда площадь будет равна произведению половины этой диагонали на вторую диагональ, т.е.
S =  5√3 * 10 =  50√3 см 
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: aeion
Read the text p.48, translate and answer the questions:

1. Who was Marie Curie?

2. Where and when was she born?

3. Where did she get education?

4. What did she study?

5. What country does she live?

6. When did Marie meet her husband?

7. How old was she when she got the Nobel Prize?

8. What did she die of?
Marie curie was born maria Sklodowski in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. She was the youngest of five children. Her parents worked as teachers and they brought her up to love learning. Her mother died in 1877. Manya, as they called her, and her sisters had to get jobs. manya became a tutor for a family. She enjoyed her term there and could send money to her father and her sister, Bronya, who was studying medicine in paris. When her sister got married, she invited Manya to live with them and study at the Sorbonne. It was then that she altered her name to Marie. Marie studied Physic and Maths and got her Master's degree in both subjects. When she graduated from university, she started research for magnetism. It was at that time she met Pierre Curie, a young scientist. They fell in love immediately and got married. Marie moved to his house and they both started examining uranium and other elements to decide whether they were radioactive. It took them four years to isolate the radioactive source which she named radium. For this, they gained a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903. In 1906, her husband died in an accident and Marie got the position they had offered him at the Sorbonne. In 1911, she got a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. When World War I, she designed the first mobile X-Ray machine and travelled with it along the front lines. Marie died in july. 1934 in Paris. She died by radiation poisoning. She worked hard and proved that if a person keeps to their goals, they will succeed. For her, success came with the two Nobel Prizes she received and fast that she was the first woman to ever get one. We all owe her our respect and admiration.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: edreuhwjg