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1 электрик 2 автор 3 Дантист 4 фруктовщик 5 судья 6 фотограф 7 сантехник 8 пастух 9 солдаты
1.An electrician is a specialist whose work is associated with electrical appliances and equipment. These masters have their own classification. You can distinguish ordinary electricians who are engaged in household electrical equipment, and electricians. These specialists work with high capacities at thermal power plants, hydroelectric power stations, etc. Every day they are faced with a whole range of dangers that are fraught with high voltage.
2.Author - an individual whose creative work created a work. The author is the creator of any literary, musical or any artistic work, and in general any work of the mind embodied by art.
3.Dentistry is a branch of medicine that studies teeth, their structure and functioning, their diseases, methods of their prevention and treatment, as well as diseases of the oral cavity, jaw, and border areas of the face and neck.
4.Judge - an official who is part of the court and administers justice; in the modern theory of separation of powers - a person vested with judicial power. ... There is a system of courts of appeal, the highest of which is called the supreme court; usually the supreme courts sit not in full force, but in special collegiums.