Предмет: Физика, автор: Miа16


1. Назвати основні закони на яких ґрунтуються різні картини світу.
2. Назвати учених, роботи яких є основними в розвитку поглядів різних фізичних
фізичних теорій.


Автор ответа: Аноним



1. Закон сохранения энергии

2. Закон сохранения материи

3. Законы Ньютона

4. Постулат о постоянстве скорости света в релятивистской механике

5. Закон сохранения заряда

6. Эквивалентность массы и энергии в релятивистской теории

7. Закон всемирного тяготения

8. Уравнения Максвелла

9. Постулаты Бора в квантовой механике

10. Принцип неопределенности Гейзенберга в квантовой механике

11. Планетарная модель ядра

12. 3 начала термодинамики

13. Закон сохранения количества движения и момента количества движения


Ньютон, Лаплас, Фарадей, Карно, Болцьман, Максвелл, Кюри, Бор, Гейзенберг, Эйнштейн, Резерфорд, Максвелл, Оппенгеймер, фон Нейман, Капица, Шредингер, Теллер, Жуковский, Столетов

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним
Если несложно, помогите,пожалуйста :)очень нужно.
 A hard lesson.My name’s Jon and this happened to me when I was on holiday in Seville, in the south ofSpain.I was having a coffee in a bar when a man came up to me. He was quite smartly dressed, and he looked very respectable. “Do you speak English?” he asked. He definitely wasn’t Spanish, but I’m not sure where he was from. “I’m very sorry to bother* you, but I have a serious problem”, he continued. “I’m here on a business trip, and I’ve lost my briefcase* – it had my passport, my wallet*, my money, my credit cards, me mobile, my address book, everything. Could you help me? I need to borrow 60 euros to get the train to Madrid – my company has an office there. I’ll pay you back, of course. When I get home, I’ll send you the money. You can give me your address in England”. I wasn’t sure, but he didn’t seem suspicious*, so I agreed. I wrote down my home address on a business card he had, and I gave him 60 euros. I even bought him a coffee.​We chatted for a few minutes, and then he looked at his watch and said, “Well, I should get to the station. Thank you very much for your help. You’ll have your money back in a couple of weeks, I promise.” And he walked out of the bar.​So… do you think he paid me back? No, you’re right, he didn’t… and I won’t lend money to strangers again!bother- беспокоить , briefcase - портфель , wallet - бумажник, suspicious - подозрительный 
   ! Read the text and  say if the sentences are True,  False or Not Stated. 
 1.The foreigner explained his problem.
2.He was from Madrid.
3.He was on holiday in Seville, in the south of Spain.
4.Jon received his 60 euros in a couple of weeks.    
5.Jon won’t lend money to strangers again because he was fooled on his holiday.

Предмет: Химия, автор: Аноним