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... В школе наш учитель дал нам задание написать несколько идей об идеальной семье.
...Какую семью мы можем назвать идеальной? Какими бывают родители в идеальной семье? Что
дети, как в идеальной семье? …
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For me, my family is the most important thing in life. The family for everyone is the very beloved and dear people who have been with him since childhood. And the main role in creating a family hearth belongs, of course, to the mother. A woman can be a brilliant specialist in any field, however, her most important role in society, something that no man can cope with is creating a family. A woman from ancient times was the keeper of the hearth. All the housework was entrusted to her. In addition, she had to create such a homely atmosphere that the rest of the family felt warmth and comfort at home, felt like a family - a single whole. This is a very difficult and responsible work, but the woman always coped with it. Now is a completely different time. A woman is busy at work, and less time is left for the house. However, she now, as many years ago, takes care of the house, creates, supports and strengthens the family. Mom is the person closest to me. I believe that the head of our family is, after all, a mother. Of course, for a family to be good and friendly, mother's strength alone is not enough. All family members must make efforts to create a family climate. After all, the family is, first of all, the collective