Предмет: Английский язык, автор: alina2006z

Прочитайте и текст и определите жанр.
A. a fairy tale B. a novel C. a mysterious story D. a humorous story
When I was ten years old, my family left the countryside and moved to the city. I was
very excited because our new house was near a beautiful big park.
One day, I decided to go for a walk in the park but I lost my way. I tried to get back but I
just went deeper into the park. I looked around me and started calling for help, but no one heard
me. I was confused and scared because it was almost dark, so I sat on a bench and began to cry.
Suddenly I heard someone coming. It was a girl my age. “Hi,” she said. “I’m
Maria. What’s the matter?” I told Maria that I was lost. “Don’t worry,” Maria said. “I live near
here. I know the park well.” We walked and talked until we were out of the park. Maria said
goodbye and left before I could thank her.
When I got home my mum was talking to a policeman. They were both very upset. “Oh,
Elizabeth, thank goodness you’re OK!” my mum said when she saw me. “I lost my way in the
park, Mum, but I’m fine now. I’m so sorry.” I said. “You were lucky, young lady,” the
policeman said. “Never play alone in that park, it’s too dangerous. Ten years ago, a young girl
named Maria Josephson lost her way in that same park and never came back.”
I did not say a word. I wanted to tell them about the girl who helped me but I was afraid
they wouldn’t believe me. Did a ghost help me? I couldn’t sleep that night, or the next. I never
saw Maria again and I never went back to the park!
Задание 3.2. Прочитайте текст ещё раз и ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1) How old was Elizabeth when she moved house?
2) Where did Elizabeth’s family move to?
3) How did Elizabeth feel when she discovered she was lost?
4) Did Elizabeth thank Maria when they were out of the forest?
5) What happened to Maria Josephson ten years ago?


Автор ответа: animewnica202


1.C. a mysterious story

2.1) Elizabeth was ten years when she moved house

2) Elizabeth`s family moved to the city

3) Elizabeth felt confused and scared

4)No, she didn't thank Maria

5)Ten years ago Maria Josephson lost her way in that same park and never came back

alina2006z: спасибо, большое. А можешь на еще один вопрос ответить , он у меня в профиле есть? про леонардо да винчи
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