Предмет: Литература, автор: sulmalika2007

Какое место русалки занимают в славянской мифологии?


Автор ответа: Y4eHuu


Русалки в славянской мифологии занимают место рядом с другими сказочными героями. Русалки - это существа, которые могут жить под водой. У них необычная внешность и вместо ног у них хвост. В славянской мифологии русалки - это духи, души покойников, которые умерли не своей смертью. Они обладают вполне реальными чертами и их сложно отличить от людей, если не видеть их хвоста. Их часто упоминают в сказках и мифах.


Автор ответа: hashus07


Русалка — персонаж восточнославянской мифологии. Один из наиболее вариативных образов народной мистики: представления о русалке, бытующие на Русском Севере, в Поволжье, на Урале, в Западной Сибири, существенно отличаются от западнорусских и южнорусских[1]. Считалось, что русалки опекали поля, леса и воды[2]. До XX века в северных губерниях России слово «русалка» воспринимали как книжное, «ученое». Ранее этот персонаж был известен как водянтиха, шутовка, щекотиха, а на Юге России и Украине — как мавка[3].

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Before a company can quote а price (or give a quotation) for
goods, they must take into consideration all their costs: the production costs,
shipping, insurance, etc. The total of all these costs is called the overall
cost. The costing is usually done before a model is produced or exported, so
the company must calculate (or work out) their overall costs in advance. From
these figures they can work out the cost of each model (the unit cost).

      All the
calculations are written on the costing sheet. The company also takes into
consideration their profit. They will usually allow a profit margin of at least

      So when a
company gives a quotation for a modern, they have built into the price their
overall costs and profit margin.

      There are
other factors which affect the price of goods, for example the law of supply
and demand. If a product is in demand (many people want to buy it) and not many
firms can supply the product, then the company can charge a higher unit price.

      On the
other hand, making goods in large quantities is comparatively cheaper than
producing goods in small quantities. If there is a big demand for a model, a
company can produce it in large quantities, and they should be able to quote a
lower unit price. Two of the departments in a company which deal with pricing
and selling goods are the Sales Department and the Accounts Department. The
Sales Staff handle the basic forms involved in selling goods (the order and the
delivery or advice note) and the
Account Staff handle the
forms involved in charging for goods (the invoice and the statement). The form
sent by the buyer requesting goods is 
the order. The form
which accompanies
the goods or which is sent to the buyer to tell him to expect the goods is the
delivery note. The buyer signs the delivery note which is then a receipt  for the seller to prove the buyer received the

     The Sales
Department then gives the signed delivery note to the Accounts Department which
sends the buyer a bill for the goods. This bill is called an invoice.

     Usually the Account Department will send
the buyer an account each month which shows details of all the transactions that
month. The account is called a statement. The transaction are all the invoices
the seller has sent and the money received