5 - 9 классы Английский язык 5+3 б
1. Make up the phrases and translate it into Russian. Составьте фразы. (Цифра – буква)
1)To care about a) elderly and lonely people
2) to follow b) gifts
3) to do c) the rules
4) to help d) England
5) to exchange e) excursions
6) to take part in f) Christmas
7) to choose g) animals
8) to travel to h) the shopping
9) to go on i) a swimming competition
10) to celebrate j) presents
1g 2c 3h 4a 5b 6i 7j 8d 9e 10f
1. Заботиться о животных (Linda always cares about animals because she has a great heart.)
2. Следовать правилам (You must follow school rules.)
3. Закупаться, ходить по магазинам (My mom does the shopping every weekends.)
4. Помогать пожилым и одиноким людям (Chris is a voluenteer and he helps elery and lonely people.)
5. Обмениваться подарками (There is a good tradition in our family: we exchange gifts on Christmas.)
6. Принимать участие в соревнованиях по плаванию (Ola is a professional swimmer so she decided to try her luck and take part in a swimming competition.)
7. Выбирать подарок (Dad always chooses presents with great attention.)
8. Отправиться в путешествие в Англию (We are going to travel to England next summer.)
9. Отправиться на экскурсии (He went on some jungle excursion.)
10. Праздновать рождество (Every winter we go to New-York to celebrate Christmas together with my friends.)