Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Люся15
Переведите пожалуйста с русского на английский) а то у меня с ним туго. буду благодарна
Случилось это 3 месяца назад, но нашла смелость поделиться с вами только сейчас. Началось все с того, что я поехала на дачу и забыла дома телефон. Часа через 2 мне позвонила мама и спросила почему я не отвечаю на звонки. Вскоре она тоже приехала к нам. Вечером мама с бабушкой и дедушкой ушли в гости, мамин телефон остался на столе. Примерно в 00:00 раздался звонок. А на экране... Мое имя! "Че за..." - думаю я. Ведь мой телефон дома! Я ответила. Но мой таинственный собеседник молчал... После минуты такого "содержательного разговора" я отключилась.
Наутро мы поехали домой. Приехав мама и папа уехали за покупками. Я осталась одна. Стемнело. Самое интересное то, что на моем телефоне не было исходящих вызовов в 00:00... Внезапно я услышала какие-то шорохи и шаги в соседней комнате... Звука открывающийся входной двери не было, так что это вряд ли родители но на всякий случай я спросила:
- Мам? Это ты?
Ответа не последовало.
Я отправилась в ту комнату, из которой доносились звуки. Открываю дверь... И что же я вижу?
Себя!! Только вот вид у меня странный: белая ночнушка, растрепанные волосы, бледная кожа, черные круги под глазами...
- Поиграем? - спросила "Я".
Некоторое время она смотрела на меня, а потом потянула ко мне руки, безумно улыбаясь...
- Помогите! - крикнула я, выбегая из комнаты.
Я забежала в свою и зарыдала от ужаса. В дверь моей комнаты постучали. Я проигнорировала. В дверь начали ломиться. Я кричала, звала на помощь, но никто не откликнулся... Тогда я залезла на кровать и накрылась с головой одеялом. А тем временем дверь выламывается...
Автор ответа:
It happened three months ago , but found the courage to share with you just now. It all started with the fact that I went to the country house and forgot the phone . 2 hours later, my mother called me and asked why I do not answer calls. Soon she came to us , too . In the evening, mother and grandmother and grandfather went to visit Mom's phone was on the table. Around 00:00 the phone rang . And on the screen ... My name! " Che ... " - I think. After my phone at home! I replied . But my mysterious companion was silent ... After a minute of such a " meaningful conversation " I passed out .
The next morning we went home . Priehav.yu mom and dad left for the " Auchan" shopping. I was left alone . I was waiting for Vika ( my older sister ) . Th she went to friends and still has not returned. Dark. The most interesting to.yu that my phone was not outgoing call at 00:00 ... Suddenly I heard some noises and footsteps in the next room ... Sound opening the front door was not, so it's unlikely parents or Vick, but just in case , I asked :- Vic ? Is that you?No reply.I went into the room from which the sounds came . I opened the door ... And what do I see ?Yourself! Only now I have a strange kind : white nightie , disheveled hair , pale skin, dark circles under the eyes ...
- Play? - Said "I " .For some time she looked at me and then pulled me hands madly smiling ...- Christ ! - I shouted , running out of the room.
I ran into her and sobbed in terror. In my chamber door knock . I ignored . The door began to break . I screamed , called for help , but no one responded ... Then I climbed on the bed and covered her head with a blanket. Meanwhile, the breakable door ...
The next morning we went home . Priehav.yu mom and dad left for the " Auchan" shopping. I was left alone . I was waiting for Vika ( my older sister ) . Th she went to friends and still has not returned. Dark. The most interesting to.yu that my phone was not outgoing call at 00:00 ... Suddenly I heard some noises and footsteps in the next room ... Sound opening the front door was not, so it's unlikely parents or Vick, but just in case , I asked :- Vic ? Is that you?No reply.I went into the room from which the sounds came . I opened the door ... And what do I see ?Yourself! Only now I have a strange kind : white nightie , disheveled hair , pale skin, dark circles under the eyes ...
- Play? - Said "I " .For some time she looked at me and then pulled me hands madly smiling ...- Christ ! - I shouted , running out of the room.
I ran into her and sobbed in terror. In my chamber door knock . I ignored . The door began to break . I screamed , called for help , but no one responded ... Then I climbed on the bed and covered her head with a blanket. Meanwhile, the breakable door ...
а ты это в переводчик вставил и перевел?
Автор ответа:
The next morning we went home . Arriving mom and dad left for shopping. I was left alone . Dark. The most interesting thing is that my phone was not outgoing call at 00:00 ... Suddenly I heard some noises and footsteps in the next room ... Sound opening the front door was not, so it's unlikely parents but just in case , I asked :- Mom ? Is that you?No reply.I went into the room from which the sounds came . I opened the door ... And what do I see ?Yourself! Only now I have a strange kind : white nightie , disheveled hair , pale skin, dark circles under the eyes ...
- Play? - Said "I " .For some time she looked at me and then pulled me hands madly smiling ...- Help! - I shouted , running out of the room.
I ran into her and sobbed in terror. In my chamber door knock . I ignored . The door began to break . I screamed , called for help , but no one responded ... Then I climbed on the bed and covered her head with a blanket. Meanwhile, the breakable door ...
- Play? - Said "I " .For some time she looked at me and then pulled me hands madly smiling ...- Help! - I shouted , running out of the room.
I ran into her and sobbed in terror. In my chamber door knock . I ignored . The door began to break . I screamed , called for help , but no one responded ... Then I climbed on the bed and covered her head with a blanket. Meanwhile, the breakable door ...
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