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Сделайте пожалуйста , нужно соотнести названия с текстами. Срочноо!!
1. Naturally different
2. Big age difference
3. Different opinions
4. Different ambitions
5. Small differences
6. No difference at all
7. Different rules
8. Learning to be different
A. John and James are identical twins but they don't go to the same school. Their parents felt this would help them develop individual tastes, interests and styles - but the boys at first hated the idea. Now they are really happy at their schools but occasionally they swap places just for fun! The brothers are best friends but they now agree that their parents were probably correct.
B. Anna and Beth are twin sisters but they are most unlike each other. Technically they are "non-identical" twins. Amia is blonde and Beth is a brunette. Anna is noisy, energetic and always crashing around to hip hop and rap. Beth is much quieter and likes listening to classical music and reading. Anna eats anything and Beth is a vegetarian. But they are. absoiutely, the closest and best of friends.
C. The Perkins children. Sally and John, both study hard every evening alter college and most weekends. Sally studies French. History and Art. She plans to go to university in Paris and wants to either work in a museum or an art sale room. John studies the Russian language, business studies and Maths. He wants to study in St Petersburg and to set up his own important business. I am sure both will succeed.
D. Greg's dad believes that there is no original, exciting new music being, written and performed today. Greg strongly disagrees and can name several new bands and singers that are both completely original and really popular. But his Dad is a professional musician and was quite successful when he was young. He argues that nearly every successful song now is simply a reworked version of an older one.
Е. In the UK you can legally do different things depending on your age. You can vote for a new government at 18 but at 17 you cannot drink a beer. At 16 you can marry and become a parent but you cannot drive to your wedding or make a traditional toast!Meanwhile lots of bars and clubs open only to people above 21 which means. married, voting, car driving parents could still be too young to enter.
F. Serious stamp collectors are men and women who appreciate details. To the casual observer, the oldest postage stamps in the world ~ the Victorian "Penny Blacks" alt look identical. Millions were made but only a few of them are truly valuable. A serious collector knows this and the ability to find tiny variations in the paper, ink or code used helps them to find the "Penny Black's" that are rare and valuable.
G. Dina Ruiz has Japanese and black ancestry on her father's side of the family and English, Welsh and German on her mother's. She was born in California and married her husband, actor Clint Eastwood, in Las Vegas. When she first met Eastwood, she was 28 and he was 63. She is most famous as a TV news "anchor" and is Chair of the California Museum for History, Women and the Arts.
Прочитайте . Составьте из данных слов предложения о том , кто (что) где живет (находиться). Люди, белка, черепахи, чиж, листья, рыба, чучело, собака, чайник, лиса, шишка, ласточка, мыши.
В дупле , в гнезде , в норе, в воде, в конкурсе, на дереве, в огороде, на кухне,на елке, в песке, в домах.
В каких предложениях вы употребили глагол живет для обазначения действия неживого предмета ? Запиши три предложения . Выделити три окончания имен существительных в предложном падеже. Составьте и запишите свои предложения на эту тему.