you are preparing to host a group of American students in your school. In work groups collect the material for a welcome booklet, which you can give to your guests to help them adapt to life in Russia. Follow the steps.1. Answer these questions and explain your answers.What extreme situation might they face?What unforgettable experience might they have?What may create a bad impression on them? What may change in their vision of the world as a result of the visit?What is the biggest challenge they might face? What unique features of the place might they appreciate?What may frustrate them?2. Write brief answers to each question without explanations on a sheet of paper. 3. Choose a member of your group and send him/her to another group with your list of answers. 4. Look at the other group's answers and guess the reasons the group had for giving these answers.5. Back in your work groups discuss what features of Russian life were treated in the same way or differently in both groups.
2) They’ll get an opportunity to improve their knowledge of Russian language and learn more about our country, our people and traditions of Russian people. - Они получат возможность улучшить свои знания по русскому языку и узнать больше о нашей стране, наших людях и традициях русского народа.
3) Our service in trade centers and dirty streets can ruin their impression of the trip to Russia. -Наш сервис в торговых центрах и грязные улицы могут испортить их впечатление от поездки в Россию.
4) They’ll realize that we are the same as they are with the same problems and interests. - Они поймут, что мы такие же как они, с такими же проблемами и интересами.
5) The biggest problem will be the language barrier. It will be difficult for them to speak Ru
6) They’ll be able to appreciate the unique features of our city, its architecture, history, tradition and hospitality. - Они смогут оценить уникальные особенности нашего города, его архитектуру, историю, традиции и гостеприимство.
7) Disrupt our plans can only bad weather, but we hope that during their visit it will be warm and sunny. - Сорвать наши планы может только плохая погода, но мы очень надеемся, что во время их визита будет тепло и солнечно.