Ты проводишь неделю на курорте. Напиши почтовую открытку своему другу-англичанину по переписке. Напиши о том, где ты, что ты уже успел сделать и нравится ли тебе быть там. (60-80 слов).
Ответ:Hello Mike !
I am at the sea now . There is beautiful and sea nice . The wather here better then in England. My famaly and I live in large house. Every day we eat ice-cream.
What are you doing at home ? Send letter to me !
Your friend…
Hi, I am writing you this postcard from my resort. Now I am resting on the Black Sea, you will not believe how good it is here! For two weeks now I have been living in a hotel with five stars, one of which belongs to Michelin. I really like it here. There are a lot of jellyfish in the Black Sea and it’s a little disgusting, but compared to everything else it’s nothing! I already managed to buy you souvenirs and in a day I will go home! See you soon, my dear friend!
Yours faithfully(твоё имя)