Предмет: География, автор: vladden1870

клімат північно льодовитого океану зумовлений його​


Автор ответа: tokaranna01


Клімат Північного Льодовитого океану визначається передусім його полярним географічним положенням. Існування величезних мас льоду посилює суворість клімату, обумовлену насамперед недостатньою кількістю тепла, одержуваного від Сонця полярними регіонами. Головною особливістю радіаційного режиму арктичної зони є те, що протягом полярної ночі надходження сонячної радіації не відбувається, в результаті протягом 50-150 діб відбувається безперервне охолодження підстилаючої поверхні. Влітку ж, внаслідок тривалого полярного дня, кількість тепла, що надходить за рахунок сонячної радіації, досить велика. Річна величина радіаційного балансу на берегах і островах позитивна і становить від 2 до 12—15 ккал/см, а в центральних районах океану негативна і становить близько 3 ккал/см.

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of Cambridge
is located in Cambridge,
and is the second-oldest
the English-speaking world. The name is sometimes abbreviated as

was founded
in 1209, the University of Cambridge evolved out of an association of
scholars that had escaped to the town of Cambridge from nearby Oxford
after a dispute with local townsmen. The University of Cambridge and
equally renowned
of Oxford
often jointly referred to by the portmanteau term "Oxbridge,"
and have a long history of academic and athletic rivalry.

similarities in having a collegiate structure and a tutorial
(supervision) system has set them apart from other educational
institutions. Cambridge
University consists of a number of institutions, with its main
functions divided between the central departments of the university
and the university colleges. In general, each department is
responsible for performing research and providing centralized
lectures to Cambridge students.

students and many of the academics are attached to colleges, where
they live, eat and socialise. It is also the place where students
receive small group teaching sessions, known as supervisions. Each
college appoints its own teaching staff and fellows in each subject;
decides which students to admit, in accordance with University
regulations; provides small group teaching sessions, for
undergraduates (though lectures are arranged and degrees are awarded
by the university); and is responsible for the domestic arrangements
and welfare of its own undergraduates, graduates, post-doctoral
researchers, and staff in general. A graduate remains a member of his
or her college for life.
many centuries the colleges, and the university, were all male
institutions. This has changed first with the founding of women's
colleges and later by making other colleges mixed. Now there are
approximately an equal number of men and women. About half the
student body come from independent schools and half from state


Does the university of
Cambridge have a long history?

What is the structure of
the university of Cambridge?