Предмет: Математика, автор: katrushka3

Скількома способами можна скласти трицифрове число із цифр 1, 2,3?


Автор ответа: darinalovestars

P! = 3! = 3 * 2 * 1 = 6

Відповідь: 6 способів.

Автор ответа: shakimovazamza



nastya24f11: Дано: г/п b1= 5 q =2. Обчисли s5
nastya24f11: S5
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Предмет: Русский язык, автор: serg2014
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1. There is not ... sense in what you suggest. 
a) many      c) few 
b) much      d) a few

2. Give him a goog mark to ... his self-respect.
a) raise     c) get up
b) rise       d) get down

3. Would you like ... sweet ?  
a) other              c) others
b) another          d) the others 

4. There is no place like ... 
a) house              c) home 
b) apartament       d) accommodation

5. The infotmatoin is top secret, so naturally, everybody is interested in ... 
a) them                c) it
b) it                       d) their 

6. Save your money but do not put ... in the bank.
a) them               c) they 
b) it                     d) their

7. Everyone has to answer for all this ... ? 
a) has not he              c) does he
b) doe not she             d) do not they

8. He has been unemployed ... he left college. 
a) for                         c) since 
b) before                    d) during 

9. I cannot make up my ... what to do next. 
a) idea                  c)decision
b) mind                 d) opinion 

10. There are not ... fruits at this time of the year. 
a) some                     c) no
b) any                        d) none 

11. Why have not you ... your bed yourself?
a) lied                       c) put
b)made                       d) had

12. Of the two irons i have one is burnt, and ... is out of order too.
a) the others              c) another
b) other                      d) the other