Предмет: Английский язык, автор: verosika

Срочно!!! Дам 30 баллов

1. What is the population of Kyiv?
2. Where is Kyiv located?
3. What is St. Sophia‟s Cathedral famous for?
4. What is Kyiv often referred to by Ukrainians and Russians?
5. Where are most theatrical programmes held?
6. What do major industries in Kyiv include?
7. When did Kyiv become the capital of the Ancient Rus?
8. How old is Golden Gate of Kyiv?
9. What words did foreign merchants use to describe Kyiv?​


Автор ответа: zxcvbnm1999qw



Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. Not only is it the capital city but it is the largest city by population. The last population estimate of Kiev shows that 2,887,974 people are residing in the city. Not only does that make it the largest city in Ukraine but also the 7th most populous in Europe.

Kiev is located on the Dnieper River, in the north of the central part of the country. It is the largest cultural, political, socio-economic, transport, scientific, and religious center of Ukraine.

Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev is an outstanding architectural monument of Kievan Rus'. The cathedral is one of the city's best known landmarks and the first heritage site in Ukraine to be inscribed on the World Heritage List along with the Kiev Cave Monastery complex.

number of global heavyweights have recently adopted the Ukrainian-language derived “Kyiv” as their official spelling for the country's capital city, replacing the Russian-rooted “Kiev.” This trend began with the Associated Press in late August.

The Kiev Experimantal Theatre was founded in 1993 by a professional group of actors in the Kiev Youth Theatre.The start of the theatrical season in Kiev is always a small holiday for Kyivans and guests of the capital, and even more interesting and pleasant to make it even more useful is the actual poster of theaters in Kiev, which is always at hand.

Oktyabrsky Palace, National and Small Opera, House of the architect, Palace Ukraine, Kiev Conservatory, House of Officers, VDNH, ATLAS and even the Green Theater.Modern performances are easily collected not only in classical theater halls, but also in other interesting locations.

Kyiv, as the capital of Ukraine, has major administrative functions, with considerable employment in the offices of ministries responsible for the economy. The city is also an important industrial centre, possessing a wide range of manufactures.

According to the legend, Kyiv was founded more than 1,500 years ago by three brothers Kyi, Schek, Khoryv and their sister Lybid. The city was named after the oldest brother Kyi. In the 9th century Kyiv became the capital of the Ancient Rus.

The Great Golden Gate of Kyiv was built as a beautiful entryway that leads into the old city of Kyiv by prince (knyaz’) Yaroslav the Wise in 1037.

“The city of 200 churches”, “the city of golden domes” and “the Jerusalem of the lands of Rus” – these words used foreign merchants to describe Kyiv and the glory and splendor in eastern and western lands.

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Предмет: Математика, автор: рпвпнп