Портфолио семеро козлят на английанглийском коротко
Mother goat had seven kids. She went for milk and cabbage and said: don't open the door to anyone! She left, and the wolf came to the door and began to knock and said: open up, your mother came with milk brought. The goats heard that it was the voice of a wolf and did not open it. Later my mother came and the kids told me everything. The next day Mama goat went to get milk again and said: don't open the door if you haven't heard this song - Oh baby goats, Oh baby boys... And she sang them the whole song. The wolf at that time sat in the bushes and listened, when mother goat went home, he went to the door and began to sing, the goats did not open the door. He went to the blacksmith and made a little voice for himself. I went to the door and started singing, the kids thought it was my mother and opened it, the wolf started to catch everyone, but the smallest one got into the oven and sat. When my mother came, he told me everything, they saved the goats and began to live happily. The end!
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