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Визит к врачу:
1-пациент, 2-врач
1: Hello, doctor
2: Hello, come in. Take a seat. So, what's the problem?
1: Well doctor, I'm not feeling very well. I've got these awful pains in my stomach and I haven't been sleeping at all well.
2: Oh, when did this start?
1: Аbout 4 days ago
2: Where does it hurt? Can you show me?
1: Here. in this area
2: What did you eat yesterday?
1: I ate fast food. do you think it's because of junk food?
2: Of course! But it's nothing to worry about. I think it's just indigestion.
1: Phew ! Just indigestion? What a relief!
2: Yes, you should just take some pills for a while. And then you will fine
1: Thank you so much, doctor! I hope this will help me get rid of my stomachache
2: Come again if you feel bad again
1: Ok! Bye!
2: Goodbye!