Ребята, 80 БАЛЛОВ!!! Пожалуйста, помогите, срочно!!! :3
Составьте 2 диалога на английском языке на две уже заданные темы (они видны на скрине). Как минимум, по пять предложений от каждого оппонента! (2 человека, 2 роли, в каждом диалоге) ПО ОБРАЗЦУ из учебника (фото)
Заранее спасибо!♡♡♡
Carry: I have a present for you!
Ann: Really?
Carry: I want you to have something that will remind you about our friendship in cold Norway!
Ann: Oh, you almost make me cry, leather gloves, thank you so much, I'm already in love!
Carry: They are grey and fluffy inside as my cat who loves you so much, so you'll never forget us!
Ann: Never, you're my best friend forever, promise!
Carry: And you're mine, i need hugs, come here.
Ann: Promise that you'll come for holidays.
Carry: I will and you have to come, everyone will miss you so much!
Ann: I don't want to leave so much, do you know?
Carry: Of course I know, but parents never ask where we want to live, but I'm sure that you'll be great there, Norway is very beautiful country!
Ben: Honey, I'm home.
Mary: Hi darling
Ben: I remember that we are invited to the party this weekend, so I've bought something for you.
Mary: Ben you're so attentive, what did you buy?
Ben: It's amazing check green wool dress, you'll be gorgeous with your red hair, try it!
Mary: Oh, sweetheart, it's really amazing and so soft, thank you, I love you so much.
Ben: Love you too, I'm so glad that i can make you happy so easily, what do we have for dinner? :)