Сочинение на английском на тему Nature is full of surprises 5-6 предложений
Nature is our wonder .
We don`t always notice it, but there is wonder in spite of it. It hides out in the singing of the birds, in the rustle of the leaves, in the unique beauty of the most different animals. People don`t always see this wonder, because they think about their problems, which they create for each other by themselves. Just people need to be distracted from it and to look at nature, to go to the forest and to rest there. You will notice many miracles: fantastic twitter of the birds, charming sounds of the wind… You will be able to meet an assiduous hedgehog that carries apples to home, a running hare that is frightened by rustle of the leaves. Watching at all this you`ll become an entity with nature and will understand that you are necessary for nature like the smallest ant. The world will immediately become easier for you. Because, as Michel de Montaigne said: “Nature was a nice mentor and even the not so nice, how much careful and faithful”.
But the nature, like every human, also needs help. You can feed the birds. It`s not so difficult to do it for us, but it`s important for them to be alive. You will feel better, more assured after it, because when you do something good for others, you become satisfied as well.
Nature creates so many beautiful landscapes. For example, indescribable waterfalls, mysterious mountains, lakes, seas, oceans that attract people`s attention by their mysteriousness, even the simplest steppe. There are a lot of its wonders in the steppe: quick lizards, mice, the rock of ears of grain. All these things are unique, inimitable. Nevertheless people pollute, or even kill this beauty, they don`t think about the consequences. Of course, nature reserves and national parks are founded, but only a small part of the amazing nature is saved this way, only about 10%. But what about the rest part? We must take care of it by ourselves or just not to hurt this wonderful nature, thanks to which we exist.
We dream about a wonder during all our life. So maybe you should go out and begin to notice wonder in the simplest things.