Предмет: Литература, автор: milyaushagalieva1994

краткое описание героев сказки упрямый козленок


Автор ответа: Roboakula


Козленок, очень непослушный, упрямый, самоуверенный. Попал в беду и громко плакал.

Свинья Хрюшка, равнодушная, бессердечная

Утка Кряква, добрая и отзывчивая, организовала спасение Козленка

Волки, жадные и страшные разбойники

Пеликаны, Зайцы, Бобры, Аист, Журавли, Синичка и Воробей - спасатели.


Автор ответа: alyonavladimirovna95


Козлёнок - глупый, упрямый, непослушный.

Свинья Хрюшка - простодушная и бессердечная.

Утка Кряква - добрая и отзывчивая.

Волки - жадные разбойники.

Лесные звери которые не остались равнодушными к глупому Козлёнку, и спали его.Объяснение:

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: cplstookey
Переведите плиз:Giant panda-one of the most known, but also the most rare animals.Now at liberty there were very few pandas,but in recent years are put a lot of effort to provide their survival.
   Pandas in the wild occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents or carrion. In captivity, they may get honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared food.
    "Black glasses"-special feature of the panda.It make them beautiful and lovely.Giant pandas are bears. They have fur. Their fur is black and white. The black fur is on their ears. They have black fur around their eyes. They have black fur on their legs. They also have black fur on their shoulders.
The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges in  central China, mainly in Sichuan province, but also in the Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. As a result of farming, deforestation and other development, the panda has been driven out of the lowland areas where it once lived.
    Now the problem of disappearance of rare animals is actual. Giant panda also in this list.The giant panda is an endangered species. It may become extinct. In 2013, it was estimated that there were less than 2,500 mature giant pandas living in the wild. Illegal hunting is no longer a problem. It is a crime. The penalties are harsh.
The greatest threat to survival is the loss of living areas. People are ruining the areas where pandas live. They are cutting down trees. They are building farms. Groups of pandas are forced to live in small areas. They are isolated. They cannot mix other panda groups.Giant pandas eat bamboo. Sometimes the bamboo dies off. At one time, pandas could move to an area where bamboo was still growing. Moving has become more and more difficult. People are living and working in panda areas. Pandas cannot move about as freely as they once did.
    I consider that we will protect these lovely animals. We will not allow them to die. Who else will protect them, if not we.
Предмет: Математика, автор: anastasiyakoro12