Предмет: Литература, автор: kaparulin2015

Кто выдавал младшую дочь замуж за Руслана:

А) Баян Б) Лель В) Владимир Г) Фарлаф

2. Соперником Руслана не был:

А) Фарлаф Б) Ратмир В) Валиаф Г) Рогдай

3. Что несли на подушках арапы при появлении Черномора?

А) Его меч Б) Его корону В) Его бороду Г) Самого чародея

4. В каком обличии явилась Наина, чтобы предупредить Черномора о грозящей опасности?

А) Сова Б) Медуза Горгона В) Лев Г) Крылатый змей

5. Как пробудил Руслан Людмилу?

А) Поцеловал Б) Коснулся кольцом лица

В) Напоил живой водой Г) Дал ей волшебного


Автор ответа: NikitaEXT


1 В

2 Б

3 В

4 А

5 Б

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kaparulin2015: я боюсь что не правильно
12347284: Это не правильно
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Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Yuliya0307
1.        4.               
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These engineers work at the Ministry of Foreign Trade.

He has got a good job.

She has breakfast early in the morning.

Jane goes to the Institute every day.

There are cables and telexes on the desk.


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L o n d o n


1 London is the capital of Great Britain.
It lies in the South East of England on both banks of  the 
river Thames. London is one of the largest cities in the
largest port and industrial centre in England. London is more than twenty centuries old.


2 The heart of the
capital is the City. The territory of the City is only about one square mile,
but it is the financial and business centre of the country. It contains almost all
important English banks and offices


3 The West End of London
is famous for its beautiful monuments and palaces, fine parks, fashionable
shops and big hotels. The East End is quite
different from the West End. It is the
district of factories, plants and docks. The narrow streets and poor houses of
the East End present a contrast to the
homes of the rich people in the West End


4 There are many
places of interest in London.
One of them is Trafalgar Square
with the Nelson monument 185 feet high. Buckingham palace is the royal
residence. Westminister Abbey is one of the most citizens of Britain.


5 Across the road
from Westminister Abbey are the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British


6 The Tower of London is one of the most
interesting places in London.
It was a fortress, a royal residence, a prison, now it is a museum.


7 London is famous for its green parks. Hyde Park is the most popular of them. It is the greatest
park in London
as well.


8 London is the centre of the country’s
cultural life. There are many picture galleries and museums in the capital. The
National Gallery
houses a priceless collection of paintings. The
famous British museum is one of the best museums in the world.


6. Задайте
специальные вопросы к подчеркнутым в тексте словам (6 вопросов).


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к следующим предложениям текста (4 вопроса).



Образец: London
is the capital of Great


А) Is London the capital of Great Britain or France?

Б) London is the capital of Great Britain, isn’t it?


1 There are many
place of interest in London.

2 London contains the memorials of many famous


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