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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Lidiya952011
A TransactionMr. Boggis was dealing in antique furniture and had his own shop. Whencustomers came to his shop he showed them round it so that they could see thewhole range of his goods.Mr. Boggis was a talented salesman: he could buy furniture at a very lowprice and sell it at a price several times higher. He bought furniture from peoplein the country who didn’t know the value of antique furniture.One Sunday Mr. Boggis was delighted to find a very old commode by a famous carpenter. There were only four commodes of this kind. Other salesmanhad sold the three commodes at an extremely high price, and that was the fourth.It was a nice piece of furniture with beautiful legs.Mr. Boggis wanted to buy the commode but he did not want to show Mr.Rummond who had the commode that it was great value.Mr. Boggis said:“Well, the commode doesn’t look beautiful. I can’t compare it with theothers that I already have. Besides, it’s not the original, it’s a copy of acommode by a well-known carpenter. I’ve just remembered that I could use itslegs for some other furniture, but I can’t buy the whole commode just for thelegs.”“How much could you give for the commode if you are interested in thelegs?” asked Mr. Rummond.“Shall we say 20 pounds? That will be quite reasonable5.”“Make it 35.”“I can’t offer you a higher price, this is my final offer!”“I’ll take it,” Rummond said. “It’s yours. How are you going to take it?”“In my car. I’ve left it not far from here.”Mr. Boggis walked to his car to get it nearer the door. He was smiling tohimself. The commode was his for 20 pounds and he could get 15 or 20thousand pounds for it later.In the house Mr. Rummond discussed the transaction with his so Bert.“You did it very well,” Bert said, “Do you think he will pay you?”“We shan’t put it into the car till he pays us the money.”“The commode is very big and what if it doesn’t go in the car? He’ll goaway and you’ll never see him or his money again. Besides, he didn’t like itvery much.”“I can’t say he did.”“Listen to me, father. I’ve got an idea. He told us that he wanted only thelegs. Right? So all we’ve got to do is to cut them of right now before he comesback. Then the commode will go in his car. Besides, he won’t have to cut themoff at home himself.”“It’s not a bad idea,” Rummond said.After they had cut off the legs Rummond thought that the commode wasstill big for Mr. Boggis’s car and he was afraid Mr. Boggis would not take it. Sohe decided to cut the commode itself into several pieces. It was very difficult todo it and Rummond said, “That was a very good carpenter who did the job.”“We are just in time,” Bert said, “Here he comes.”(After R. Dahl)
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: nata1223