Предмет: Биология, автор: anastasiaoleshchuk

назвіть чинники не живої природи що не впливають на водне середовище ​


Автор ответа: ursanmaksim4455


триває багато років:  

• руйнування гір до глини та піску;  

• від сонця породи вдень нагріваються, а вночі охолоджуються, що веде до тріщин;  

• вода заповнює тріщини, замерзає і розколює породу;

• будучи розчинником, вода поступово розчиняє речовини в одних місцях і переносить їх в інші;

• омиваючи береги морів, океанів, річок, хвилі теж змінюють природу;

• вода під час злив та танення снігу розмиває ґрунти;

• підземні води розмивають гірські породи, утворюючи пустоти різних розмірів – підземні печери;

• швидкі вітри зносять ґрунт, переносять пісок над поверхнею землі, формуючи піщані пагорби різної форми - дюни і бархани;  

• з допомогою вітру утворюються кам'яні скелі химерних форм;

• вітри-буревії не тільки ламають гілки і стовбури дерев, а можуть виривати їх з коренем.


Раптові зміни в природі:  

• повені (підняття рівня води під час дощів чи танення снігу);

• вулкани (внаслідок глибинних процесів Землі із земних надр виливаються назовні розжарені речовини, йде густий дим та сиплеться попіл);

• землетруси (рухи земної кори);

• цунамі (хвилі величезної висоти на суші);

• урагани (сильні вітри);

• магнітні бурі.


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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Dalinaa

Переведите пожалуйста)

ERNEST HEMINGWAY was one of the great American writers of the twentieth century. He was born on 21 July 1899, in Oak Park, Illinois, the second of six children. His family was strict and very religious. His father taught his children a love of nature and the outdoor life. Ernest caught his first fish at the age of three, and was given a shotgun for his twelfth birthday. His mother taught him a love of music and art. At school, he was good at English and wrote for the school newspaper. He graduated in 1917, but he didn't go to college. He went to Kansas City and worked as a journalist for the Star newspaper. He learned a lot, but left after only six months to go to war.

Hemingway was fascinated by war. He had wanted to become a soldier, but couldn't because he had poor eyesight. Instead, in the First World War, he became an ambulance driver and was sent to Italy, where he was wounded in 1918. After the war, he went to live in Paris, where he was encouraged in his work by the American writer Gertrude Stein. In the 1930s, he became a war correspondent in the Spanish Civil War and World War II. Many of his books were about war. His most successful book, For Whom the Bell Tolls, was written in 1940 and is about the Spanish Civil War. Another novel, A Farewell to Arms, is about the futility of war.

Hemingway's success in writing was not mirrored by similar success in his personal life. He married four times. His first wife divorced him in 1927. He immediately married again and moved to Key West, Florida, where he enjoyed hunting, fishing, and drinking, but he also suffered from depression. This wasn't helped when, in 1928, his father committed suicide. Hemingway's health was not good and he had many accidents. Two more marriages failed and he began to drink heavily. In 1954, he survived two plane crashes. In October of the same year he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, but he was too ill to receive it in person.

His final years were taken up with health problems and alcohol. He began to lose his memory and he couldn't write any more. On Sunday, 2 July 1961, Belt Toes Hemingway killed himself with a shotgun, just as his father had done before him.